[suggestion] underwater pressurized biolab

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by HotHead, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. HotHead

    Some of the aodr guys and I were perusing flooded indar on the test server and we got an idea for oshur: an underwater biolab with atmosphere in the bubble.

    We were passing over the north low sierras and passed the biolab and how ghastly it looked just below the surface. We were thinking since it already looks like a giant gas bubble frozen in the water already it would be perfect for sort of an Atlantis-themed place to attack. You would probably be able to do away with landing pads since theres no need for planes underwater but the pillar going up and the "garage" could eithet be abandoned or outfitted as pressurization chambers.
    You could kind of go 2 different directions with a biolab underwater. Either it flooded out and was abandoned or it was built to be a testbed there on purpose. Either way it would be awesome to try and attack it there as the only hospitable area not on land.
    • Up x 2
  2. Redfeather1975

    I wonder if the floating mechanic can be turned off in areas to make that underwater lab. Also wonder if the floating mechanic can have directions to simulate water currents.
  3. Tormentos

    I think they are more than happy if they can make decent water mechanics before they implement immersion features.

    I mean there is so much immersion one could do with the given equipment now. Treads of tanks whirling up sand and dust, making the water murky, smoke grenades getting a secondary function as paint grenades under water in order to block sight and holding twice as long, maybe spotting mines down below under water takes twice as long, cutting the usual skill in half.

    But... These things take time to make and I'd rather have some decently running mechanics over beautifying the ocean floor with immersion.