Suggestion - Test Server Incentives

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Notyoz Tacoz, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Notyoz Tacoz

    I would like to see some kind of Test Server incentives, for players that participate in Test Server "Events" and/or for total time played on Server.

    PS2 is unlike most "traditional" MMO's in that ALL the fighting content is completely driven by the players and not AI or NPC's. Thus to adequately "Test" PS2 there's needs to be a fairly Large group of players participating on the Server as both Teammates and Opponents, a lack of either and the Test Server will tend to feel, well ahhh, dull, unchallenging and empty, and just plain NOT fun.

    At initial launch of the Test Server, this may not seem much of a problem as it's something New and holds some excitement! But over time, players will soon realise that time spent on the Test Server means time they Are NOT spending leveling their many Character/s on the Live Server.

    Thus I purpose that SOE incorporates some kind of "Incentive" System for players that participate on the Test Servers. Such as...

    - A Bonus amount of XP or Certs for each player that participates in a Test Server Event, that gets awarded to their Live Server Character of their choosing.

    - A Bonus amount of XP or Certs for Blocks of time spent on the Test Server. Example; for every Hour of time spent on the T.S. and player can get a certain amount of Bonus XP or Certs awarded to their Live Char. of their choosing.

    - A Bonus for Outfits that agree to particpate, as a group, in a predetermined Test Session by SOE, and perhaps Extra Bonus for the Faction that has the Highest participation throughout the Test Session.

    Otherwise, I really feel that the Test Server will eventually become a "Ghost" Server with only a few dedicated Outfits and/or individuals ever wanting to sink their Live Server play time into the Test Server.
  2. HadesR

    How about ... Ermm no

    The TS isn't supposed to be somewhere you play 24/7 .. The population will ebb and flow depending on what need's to be tested

    SOE need helping testing X item > Log on TS > Help > log back on main when testing is done ..

    I'm not really sure people understand the concept of what a test server is