[Suggestion] Sunderer: Ejecting assault pods and EMP weapon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by finali, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. finali

    Sunderer: Ejecting assault pods and EMP weapon like The AMV-2 Groundhog from Battlefield 2142
  2. finali

    Ejecting/Escape/Boarding PODS

    EMP Weapon
    to fire at the enemy tank to escape
    • Up x 1
  3. stalkish

    Not sure on the pod laucher, wasnt this thing used to get players up to the titan or whatever it was called in 2142?
    Cant see a need for it in ps2 that wouldnt infringe on the LAs abilities too much.

    Im all for EMP devices, the EMP grenade we have now should disable vehicle weapons imo, just as it did in PS1.
    We also had hand help lauchers (thumper) capable of fireing EMP grenades in PS1 and the ability to do an EMP blast with the command uplink device (not present in PS2).