[Suggestion] Sensible vehicle launch pad runoffs, PLEASE !

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zavatun, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. Zavatun

    [Suggestion] Sensible vehicle terminal launch pad runoffs PLEASE !
    One eternally frustrating feature of the game, that causes so many vehicle pileups, and slows down gameplay consideraly, is the fact that so many bases have poorly positioned vehicle launch pads. In a real life scenario, no tactical thinking designer would have a launch pad for an emergency vehicle that runs straight into a wall or over a cliff. I have seen so many situations where the tide of a battle has been turned, not because one side is fighting better, but because vehicles have got stuck, and piled up on top of one another only metres away from the launch pad, or even on the pad itself. Fixing this oversight on the part of the designers would greatly free up and enhance gameplay.