[Suggestion] Revive tool to revive to 100%... 100% of the time

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by fiqsa, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. fiqsa

    Being revived in the middle of a battle by a lvl1 medic tool is an utterly useless waste of time. Being healed to 15% makes you an easy target and its likely both you and the medic will die to the same gunman, giving him the potential of 3 kills with little effort.

    On top of this, you cannot choose who revives you.

    Remove this crutch and allow ALL tool levels to revive to 100%, the only difference being the length of time it takes to do so. Eg, level 1 = 10 secs.

    The medic is one of those classes that a noob will gravitate towards for easy xp for himself but is, in fact, a hindrance and doesn't really improve the infantry multiplier factor.

    100% revive 100% of the time please.
  2. freeze

    how about you pay some attention who revives you and how long it takes.

    it's pretty easy to distinguish between high and low lvl medic tools.
    then you can decide whether you accept it or not.

    I'd agree on displaying the medic tool lvl before accepting, but that may also lead to more players just declining every low lvl revive.
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  3. LameFox

    If it's not safe, don't accept regardless of what level it is. You'd still only have your health and no shields, in a game where people die very quickly.
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  4. Khriswan

    I'm not a very expirence player, but I play almost all my time as a medic, and I didnt have this kind of problems reviving people at low levels.

    "If you die on cover, you don't have to worry on how much health you are being revive.
    If you are being revive in out of cover and the medic is out of cover two you have no excuse not to revive, because he is in the same danger as you are.
    And if you die on a door and the medic can be on cover while reviving you, you can check the time it takes to complete the process as Freeze said."

    A good tactic that a few medic do, is putting himself in front of the revived while he's standing up to take some bullets for him.
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  5. Mostadio

    If someone can shoot you, most of the time you can shoot them. You could, alternatively, just kill the guy then revive your friend. If it's a lot of people shooting, then the revive is pointless and you've got bigger problems.
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