Suggestion: Advanced Combat Engineering

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OneShadowWarrior, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. OneShadowWarrior

    Could engineering please be expanded like they did with the original Planetside? Anyone remember shadow turrets, cererbrus turrets (fired flak), emp mines, a slew of mines you could put down, man turrets, turret upgrades, the amount of tinkering a engineer could possibly do with more advanced alternatives. 5 mines seems seem skimpy, even1 turret let alone 3 anti personnel mines, give us a little more expansion, freedom of choice and alternatives. Even our manned turrets need to be gutted out to have of course Anti infantry, anti vehicle, there is no anti air with better attachment choices, scopes, round types, barrels, etc.

    Could hardlight barrier be move to tactical slot? Don’t see a point in giving up a utility slot.
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