Subscription benefits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JKooL, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. JKooL

    What are everyones thoughts on the monthly subscription benefits? I subbed for 1 month, but I don't think I will be renewing my subscription. Even with the 25% boosts, the experience gain is too slow to make a proper alternative to just spending SC on weapons. I don't mind spending $15/month, but I think I'd be better off spending that all on Station Cash instead of the monthly subscription.

    I'd love to stay subbed, I just feel like SOE needs to do more for subscribers. Take for example the 25% gain in passive certs, this equates to 10 certs a day instead of the normal 8. So part of the $15/month benefit is getting a maximum of 60 certs a month? I know you get stackable boosts if you subscribe for longer, but due to a number of reasons, I never subscribe for more than 1 month at a time.

    I want to clarify that this isn't about freeloading, I have no problems spending money on the game, I just want to know where my money is best spent. Right now, the membership benefits just don't seem that great.
  2. Jourmand1r

    Your money is best spent on buying the upgrades you want with station cash, and then using the monthly fee on certs to upgrade them and 500 SC a month to buy the new crap they release.
  3. Braveliltoaster

    i think they should lower the price for members, I pay 15 a month and sure i get 500sc every month but even the member shop is SO DAMN PRICY!
  4. Gavyne

    If you sub for 1 month, you get 25% exp bonus. If you buy the 7 day exp bonus boost, which is very cheap, you'll end up with a total of 75% exp boost, which is quite a lot. If you buy your station cash during these double or even triple station cash events, then spending sc won't feel as painful.

    I subbed, bought the 7 day boost which is still active for me. I played my hearts out, both because 1) it was the holiday weekend, and 2) I was having a blast. Now I have plenty of certs to do upgrades with. All in all I've spent less than a new game retail so far and I don't see anything I'm really needing to buy in the immediate future.

    Remember if you subscribe, you get 500sc each month. That 500 sc can be used to buy upgrades like guns and such, or you can do what I did, spend that 500 sc on the 7 day 50% exp boost. Worth it in my opinion. But key here is to really buy station cash during double or triple sc bonus days. Game cards also help since they also give you the extra sc.
  5. Disrespecting

    I'm only subbed because i keep getting entered in 3 to 500 man queues.. :x
    Also, the membership boost is way cheaper then buying boosters over and over.
  6. Roobarb

    Same. I subbed to avoid the buggy queues. No-one in their right mind would want to sit through 3 15 minute queues because it bugs out (times out most likely) and resets as you're about to log in.

    Membership fixed that. Now I wait a maximum of 60 secs before I get to kill people. That's a massive difference.
  7. Katzura

    When I work, my company charges at least 100USD/hour for my time, so my free time is worth AT LEAST that much to me, so if I can save 15-30 minutes every day from no queues, that would be 7-14 hours of gaming every month at least and that is about 700-1400 USD every month, paying 15USD to avoid that is totaly worth it! :D on top of that I get bonus resources and exp.