My game became choppy like a power point presentation going fast, and when the hitch came in the game completely stopped, had to terminate the game and start it again.
Hitching is still present, maybe slightly reduced but far from ok. I feel like it reduces fps or increases latency/processing time or something, I did pretty badly this evening, might just be tired though.
It still hitched 4 times in 2 hours of gameplay. But, instead of freezing 1-5 seconds it only lasted a few milliseconds this time. The files are defragged and on a dedicated hard drive with no read/write activity. No crashes at all so far. Lowest settings, High textures/models, 100% render.
I made the change and played for about 6hrs or so and unfortunately it’s still freezing now and then but probably not as much as before. My frames looked good but I felt the game was not running very smooth when moving around. I am not running NVIDIA. And still getting the ~2hr CTD's.
I can report that I did notice a hefty frame rate increase whilst having other programs running. Overall FPS stability. Most notably while simultaneously running Second life ( a very resource heavy program) In higher stress areas, my frame rate increased 15 fps and much less stutter/hitching. I also tended to be more GPU bound.
Although much more rarely, I'm still getting that ever so slight one second hitch. Specs are as followed: i7-4770k mildly overclocked to 4.3GHz, HD 7870 XT, 14.1 Beta Catalyst, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Help me, Higby... you're my only hope.
i don't know what it does, but for me locked my fps to cpu bound. i made a simple test by logging in in an empy base on amerish, with UseFences=0 i get 52-53 GPU bound. without the line i get 52 fps CPU bound (everywhere i look around), same time of day, same empty base 2 mins after. it didn't help me with the stutter, i don't know if it can help others.
Driver 334.89 has been released.. Hopefully this one fixes the issue. By the way, I prefer the freeze frame compared to what used to happen. Before the latest update, the game would simply crash to the desktop with no error messages on the screen. It would just shut down as if the game was killed by task manager. These days (at least with the driver prior to 334.89) the screen goes black for a second.
Guess you didn't see this post:
When looking at my system monitor while plying i find that my CPU is running at 25-30% and my GPU at 50-75% and my disk at about 70%. (This is with an 8 core i7 and a GTX 660oc) When the hitching occurs my GPU and CPU only increase by around 5% were as my disk maxes out at 100% then falls back down to 70% arfter. I hope this helps.
So you're saying the hitches are caused by hard drive access? Hmmm it could certainly be a possibility given the amount of assets the game needs to stream in on a regular basis not to mention the memory limitations of a 32-bit client. This game is notorious for running out of memory then hitting the page file and an HDD will definitely cause slowdowns and stuttering when that occurs. It's especially bad with Ultra textures. Any chance you're running an SSD?