[Suggestion] Stupid placement of the Vanguard Shield attachment

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SuBs, May 30, 2013.

  1. SuBs

    Bit of a rant regarding the thoughtless and lazy placement of vehicle attachments, or rather, one in particular that I cannot stand the sight of.

    Please change this SOE > > > >


    This I CANNOT abide. IT'S TOUCHING THE SODDING GROUND! Assuming the turf on on Auraxis is not the consistency of porridge, that attachment would break off as soon as the vehicle crossed the slightest of uneven ground.

    The person who put that there should immidiately be relegated to creating an endless number of [Gnarled Wooden Staff](s) for the next Everquest, as they're clearly better suited to working on a fantasy MMO where commonsensical visual design is a non-issue. I've never before seen anything this bad in a game with a military aesthetic.

    I might come across as a bit scathing, but COME ON! A lot of the time the art guys simply aren't putting even a modicum of consideration into what they're doing. The Vanguard shield generator is a prime example of that.

    PLEASE put a little bit more thought and effort into the game's aesthetics. I feel like I'm playing with tonka toys.

    I could dive into a whole new rant over flaming skull hood ornaments in a sci-fi military FPS, or any of the other cringe-worthy, out of place cosmetic pap that feels like it was imported from a Chinese F2P MMORPG, but that's for another thread.
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  2. IamDH

    For an 8 second shield?
    You deserve it
    TR OR DIE!
  3. Pikachu

    I have been thinking about this too.
  4. IamDH

    Seriously though, it should be on the top
    Being on the bottom isnt very bright
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  5. Pikachu

    Live free in the NC. :)
  6. Dingus148

    Says the dude who follows Ash like a slave. Team Rocket FTW

    I agree with OP though...surely there's a better place for this, if not a cooler model.
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  7. gigastar

    Arent theese the same people who gave you the option to have a big, obnoxious twirly thing on top of your Sundy?
  8. ComradeHavoc

    Yet Our tanks seem to slide on slopes, and even level ground..... wait I think you have just uncovered something!
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  9. KlyptoK

    It use to be here:


    And before that it was sticking off of the rear panel above the right side track.
  10. SuBs

    My good man, I am TR. I created this thread after seeing this eyesore on ENEMY TANKS!

    My attention was drawn away from the allure of an NC tank presenting its tender behind to me, and onto this ridiculous eyesore, in the heat of a tank battle.

    That is how strikingly horrible it looks.

    And no matter how much I may despise the rebel scum, they deserve better than this.
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  11. Tommyp2006

    Oh is THAT what that is? I've creeped up behind quite a few vanguards to drop C4/Mines and always wondered what that was.
  12. Fned

    NC tank + Auraxium Bumpernutz (TM)...

    ...it makes perfect sense. What are you complaining about?
  13. Camycamera

    lol if you are TR then just blow the tank up, not stare at its **** XD
  14. KlyptoK

    What I really want to know is what the function of those weird clip things on the ground next to the shield and the treads are. They piss me off, I've had my tank stuck on stairs and railings because of those things.
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  15. Udnknome

    This may be going back to our hill people roots a bit.... but they look like Truck Nutz to me.

    Keep'm where they are.
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  16. SuBs

    As for the Vanguard shield attachment, they can keep it in the same place as it's in now, all they need to do is turn it into a shallow box instead of a tall, fire-hydrant looking thing. Then there would be plenty of clearance, and it might end up looking like hardware that you'd expect to see on a tank from the future.

    Since we're on the subject of horrible looking attachment placement, I thought I'd leave these here. >>>>
    [IMG] [IMG]
    How hard would it have been to model the side armour with a couple of beefy hooks so that the panels hang over the hollow ribs seen on the sides of the tank? Then there would be a physical explanation for the panels staying attached, instead of hovering in mid-air.

    As it is, it looks amateurish, careless and rushed. Attention to detail is a good thing, SOE.

    It's probably also worth mentioning the clipping problems that are all over my Prowler due to bad placement of cosmetic items. Here's one example. >>>>
    [IMG] Come on, if you're going to charge people over the odds for cosmetic items, the least you could do is actually put some effort into making sure that they actually attach nicely to the vehicle they're being designed for, instead of making it look worse.

    Secondary gun turret carelessly slapped over protruding parts of the model for the main gun housing of the Vangaurd.
    The NC has been seeing drastically reduced combat effectiveness of their MBT since the auxiliary guns began to be welded over the entry hatch. Someone recalibrate the nanite-printer! :cool: >>>>

    This one has nothing to do with attachments or cosmetic items, rather just a badly done, misaligned section of the skin. >>>>

    Besides the incredibly dumb placement of the Vanguard shield attachment, you might think of these as nitpicks, but for those who notice them, it really does call into question production values. You see vastly superior finish and quality coming out of small mod teams, so why can't SOE do a decent job of it? Genuine question...
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  17. SuBs

    It's a conspiracy!
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  18. SuBs

    Those are for compatibility with the giant Scalextric tracks found all over Auraxis.
  19. XxSnakeDocterxX

    xD Leave the Vanguard alone can't you see it's trying to take a turd in peace:confused:
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  20. z1967

    lol, now they have done the complete opposite and put it on the top, blocking the rear view for the main gun.

    There is literally no place they could put that thing without it looking stupid or being an interference. It needs a low profile replacement, stat.
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