Stupid noob things you do or bad habits you have?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. NinjaTurtle

    What bad habits do you have, things you do instinctively even though your brain says no your fingers say yes

    For me

    - Reloading whilst running round a corner, even if I have 80 rounds left I have this compulsive urge to reload after every kill. It gets me killed at least 10 - 20 times a day because I get caught with my pants down.

    By the time my brain has stopped swearing to itself and thinks "maybe it would be a good idea to switch to pistol" I'm already in the death screen feeling like a prat

    - Pressing F as an engineer or Infiltrator in a face to face fight :mad: "God damn forgot I switched classes"
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  2. KenDelta

    1-Reload when I have 190 bullets in my LMG

    2-Pulling the trigger when it's not a secured kill(Especially when sniping sometimes you just wanna shoot Q_Q)

    3-Jumping over every hill and cliff while driving a Harasser or a Flash.

    4-Being trigger happy and missing all my shots with PA shotties(Imagine chasing someone and trying to PA them just to miss all your shots)

    5-Chasing a smoking ESF only to 1v1 it and get murdered from full hp.(Possibly the worse dogfighter EU)
  3. Ol' Brownfists

    I can't even tell you the astronomical number of times that I have thrown ammo right in the face of an enemy. So embarrassing.
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  4. Iridar51

    I have the most annoying muscle memory of shooting enemies when I first see them, if they're within my weapon's effective range.
    Even if the enemy is unaware me, and I will not be in a favorable position when he becomes aware of me.

    Against normal infantry that's a good habit, because I can kill them fast this way, without risking being fired upon by enemies before I fire on them.
    But against HAs you really need a good position. Starting firing at him while flying on a jet pack will often result in death, because my flying DPS is not high enough to kill him before overshield, or shoot through it, so all that'll do is make him aware of me. He will turn around and start firing, while I will have to land and wait for my CoF to reset before I gain accuracy, so not only will I be fighting against someone with almost double my health, but I'll also be at a disadvantage in accuracy.

    Against MAXes this habit is especially hurtful, because it makes him aware of me. If I didn't fire I could try to sneak up and plant C4 on him, but this way he'll turn to me, and at best force me to run away with half health left.

    This habit comes from years of playing games where Jet Packs don't suck, or at least jumping accuracy doesn't suck so much, and all players have the same HP. You know, fair, fun games. Unfortunately, it's hurtful in PS2.
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  5. Iridar51

    It's karma for playing HA.
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  6. iller

    compulsively reloading an LMG is a pretty easy one to do out of sheer habit.

    I think my worst habit is not paying enough attention to where allies are on the radar hud and timing movement with them.
    VS seem a lot better at doing this.
  7. Siilk

    HA main, right? :)

    For me, casually jumping from a high place or trying to fly over an obstacle as an engie. "Oh yeah, no jetpack...".:(
  8. sindz

    Press F when im engineer and throw an ammo pack at the enemy while he blows off my face.
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  9. CNR4806

    1. Press F in a class where it's counter-productive to direct combat (ie. everything else than medic and HA)
    2. Reloading my Kobalt when it has 90+ rounds left and miss that heavy peeking out from a rock
    3. Deploying my repair Sundy in heavily contested areas and get mine-gibbed
    4. Forgetting to lead the target in the heat of battle
    5. Forgetting to check for AI mines in front of a vehicle terminal and AT mines in front of a vehicle pad
  10. ConradHorse

    Trying to overshield with an engie, definitely the most idiotic thing I can't resist. Also jumping off the cliff as an infiltrator. Somehow as an engie, I don't do it but infil's cloak feels so powerfull :p Trying to blow up a manned smoking sunderer in a single attempt, my temptation overcomes the common sense to circle it one more time.
  11. Lifodd

    throwing AI mines at tanks because i forgot to switch to c4/tank mines.
  12. Seryi

    Get my character deleted for inactivity.

    Press F in a face to face gunfight when I'm not a HA or Medic.

    Forget to switch to my pistol during head to head gunfights when I run dry on my primary weapon.

    Forget that the G2A lock-ons have a tendency to lead targets extremely, often causing my rockets to explode on nearby geometry.

    Forget that I'm not Superman just because I'm playing HA or a MAX.
  13. SeverTheWicked

    1. Reloading after every kill. I never did this in any other game because I was confident it wouldn't take my whole magazine to get a kill. But this game.. its a necessary precaution.

    2. Being too greedy. I don't like playing defensively even if it means I'll get a high k/d. But then I play the Rambo PS2 mode knowing that the game constantly works against me. So I get very greedy, find myself in a stupid position and take a needless death.
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  14. K2k4

    Cloaking in a firefight because I though cloak was still on and I wanted to turn it off (but it had run out and so I turned it on again).

    'Finding' the impact crater in Indar with any land vehicle (and getting a full 5 seconds to regret it on the way down).

    Attacking a full sundy or not-besieged tank, harasser, or sunderer while in a fury flash (working on this one right now). This almost always ends up in the target just turning around and popping me.

    Using the same tactic over and over and over when it hasn't been working.
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  15. zombielores

    Spotting while literally in the middle of a enemy zerg, force of habit when spotting everything and forgetting enemies can hear your call outs has gotten me killed far too many times.
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  16. Klypto

    As infantry I have a bad habit of pressing my tab button right as I die. Once every 1000 deaths I do this before I actually die in a situation where I could have won.
  17. Crator

    Same exact things that the OP said get me too... I am trying to catch myself before I do them now cause I know that it is an issue...

    And yes, this is the exact reason why it happens to me... :confused: I'm used to pressing F for HA shield which is not a problem when actually using HA cause you can just turn it off... No need to hold back in using F and best to press it at anytime you think it might help... Can't think that way with an engineer class though.... Good call...
  18. uhlan

    Even after two years of this game I...

    1. Forget to reload and find myself swapping a mag in a tough fight and getting owned.

    2. Forget to light off my HA shield... and then get owned.

    3. Jump around like an idiot after forgetting I switched to Engi from Light Assault.

    4. Jump off a cliff forgetting I'm not a Light Assault any longer.

    5. Run off to place mines and forget Im no longer an engineer, or have AT mines instead or AP...

    6. Stand still admiring the scenery just long enough for the ubiquitous Infiltrator sniper "plink" and subsequent death screen notification.
  19. Klypto

    I do the same thing coming from medic.
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  20. CEGrif

    hitting F in a firefight when playing engie gotten me killed so many times