Strove Pokes Holes In: Directive Weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by strove, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Maljas23

    I thought this thread was about giving NC and TR unique/interest mechanics on their Directive weapons?

    Where did anyone say they wanted VS directive weapons nerfed? Did I miss something?
  2. TriumphantJelly

    The devs would likely be incapable of making a system in which the vast majority was happy to do with this, resulting in blanket nerfs.

    Also, I'm jealous bcuase they'd either give NC/TR something bad (NOT jealous) or something REALLY FREAKING BADASS!
  3. NoctD

    I have no directive weapons, and no real desire to unlock them - regardless of faction. They're all really rather lackluster. Directive weapons should be special/unique/powerful and not sidegrades/downgrades. Unlimited bullets VS deal is mostly a gimmick.
  4. Keldrath

    Its recoil used to be more biased in one direction, making it more accurate than it is now.
  5. DatVanuMan

    That should happen.
    OR, we can increase damage to 240, and make the velocity 700 m/s. That way, the thing is a fully automatic mini rifle with 150 rounds!
  6. Ronin Oni

    You're effing kidding me right????


    You must be the first person yet to call the recent CARV OMGBUFF!!! a effing nerf.

    Jeebus. Just stahp.
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  7. DatVanuMan

    You ARE joking, right? The thing has been scoring far more hits recently, and there are definitely stats that prove that. What do you think a recoil BUFF does?
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  8. DatVanuMan

    Let him be, man. He must have been the victim of Gylle's constant farming.
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  9. Ronin Oni

    No, no they should NOT be more powerful.

    At ALL.

    They have a HUUUUGE 6k kill grind wall FFS. You can't put some OP crap in the game behind such a grind wall.

    Do you not understand concept of sidegrades? No?

    OK then, stay out of balance discussions.

    Directive rewards should be flashy, show off your status symbols... which is mostly what they are.
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  10. Fellgnome

    If the VS directive carbine were a Pulsar C then I'd complain. But it's a Solstice, so whatever. It won't be the ideal tree/rooftop LA sniper gun because it's not accurate enough. There are some situations where a suppressed Solstice with infinite ammo could be pretty devious but I figure they're rare enough.

    Betelgeuse is kind of OP, but it's not due to infinite ammo and as HA I won't run dry as much as I do on LA.

    It does irritate me slightly that one faction has access to infinite ammo and others don't, but the carbine is the only one I see that as a major benefit for and since it's not a great carbine for that trait my jimmies remain unrustled.
  11. a-koo-chee-moya

    Every faction has access to infinite ammo..... Its called an Engineer. The only class that would benefit from infinite ammo is LA, but ofc, like no bullet drop, the LA directive weapon is pretty useless for that. I would like to see NC and TR directive weapons get a cool, gimicky, but not necessarily better trait. Also, you do know that the Tempest is a straight buff over the Cyclone?
  12. Sossen

    This forum is overpopulated with defensive Vanu players.
  13. Alkezo

    This forum is overpopulated with aggressive NC/TR players.
  14. Keldrath

    It wasn't a buff.

    If you think it's a buff, then you don't understand how much better biased horizontal recoil is compared to unbiased. You'll compensate for most of the recoil with biased, making more shots land on target. Unbiased horizontal recoil isn't something you can compensate for at all.
  15. Alkezo

    Have any evidence to back up your claim that they changed the horizontal bias?
  16. Dtswiss

    Lets get something straight all guns are useable to an extant. However some are worst than others. Some guns are more affected by the directive attachments or removable of attachments. What SOE should have done for directive weapon is take a weapon strong point and reduce it while buffing the weak trait, balance it out.

    The god saw gains 50 more bullet at the cost of cone of fire and accuracy. The gauss saw is gun that needs its compensator and advance for grip to be decent. It is a gun that is very situational , basically choke points (not a lot of movement) with corridor type of engagement.

    What the god saw should have been is a reduction in clip size (50 bullets) and better moving cone of fire for. It becomes a 200 dmg lmg with better moving COF, a side grade to the standard one. Seriously does anyone care about 50 more bullets in lmg that is already bad at firing and moving and making it even more bad at it.

    Gauss Prime is also a gun that gains a trait where its not needed and loses accuracy where its needed. 20 meters extra at min damage ( 90meters). That's like 4 extra dmg at min dmg which takes the same number of bullets to kill anyway unless someone found out how to fire half bullets. Like what is the point of the gun?
  17. Alkezo

    This is actually a great idea. The 150 magazine size is mostly useless since you can generally find time to reload before reaching 100 shots. Becoming a 200dmg CQC LMG would fill a new role and replace the current awful Godsaw with something decent.
  18. strove

    To get back on track, if the heat system got buffed to the point where it becomes viable what could the NC and TR alternatives be.
    Bare in mind i think the idea is to be unique but still ultimately a side-grade.
  19. Keldred

    Gotta say the heat mechanic isnt op at all the betelgeuse is like a orion without a forgrip and the clip it has is 48 rounds but feels like 30 and with its limit in range makes the gun it self kinda hard to use. Only reason i use it is because it leads to some pretty interesting situations around managing heat. However its not rlly a competitive option. What it needs is for the heat to act like a engi tool and not force a reload when the heat is maxed. That would fix its issues without breaking balance aspects like a smaller clip and reduced accuracy. Plus kinda odd that u just take the battery out to cool the wep kinda wonky.
  20. strove

    If thats the case then i retract my negative comments about the heat mechanic. However it still stands that after around 6000 kills and typically several weapon purchases we get weapons are arguably just about sidegrades. In any case i suspect that somthing a little more imaginative could have been done with these.