Striker range needs to be reduced

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Moltke, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Moltke

    Striker verses Air is Overpowered period
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  2. IronWarrior

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  3. Moltke

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  4. Messaiga

    Its fine as it is right now, quit the complaining and go Lolpod some more infantry and tanks. Also, just FYI, F.L.A.R.E.S.
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  5. Singed

    Reduce the range and the striker will probably get dumbfire... What is worse (or better?)
  6. Moltke

    If you get the upper hand in a dogfight against a Mossie, he'll usually just burn back to friendly lines where there are half a dozen TR heavies waiting with Strikers equipped. So you have an extremely short window of opportunity to kill anything . Coupled with the completely stupid velocity nerf to rotaries, it's pretty easy to spin your mouse around while holding shift to do the 'don't kill me dance' and get back to friendly lines without taking too much damage. And that's just what they do.

    The only aircraft you can kill are the ones who make it REALLY easy for you to gank them and get them down to burning or nearly burning on the first clip, the ones who SEVERELY overextend and can't get back to friendly lines, or the skilled pilots who humor you just because they'd rather have a good dogfight than have a 100% chance of keeping their plane up by running.

    On the other hand if you start getting locked while engaged in a dogfight, you get one flare and then you either have to choose between trying to break LoS with the lockon (without even knowing remotely where the lock is coming from) and giving the other ESF your tail, or trying to stay in the fight and dying 5 seconds later to a massive amount of completely unavoidable damage.

    The end result of this is a lot more Mossies in the air than other planes, which exacerbates the problem.

    The Striker is just way too powerful against aircraft for something that doesn't cost resources, doesn't have a cooldown, and can be attached to infantry who are everywhere and usually invisible thanks to rendering. And, ironically, the only time I don't worry too much about it is when I have my nose in the ground killing tanks and infantry.
  7. Babaganoush

    So you admit you're chasing a single Mosquito deep into enemy territory?
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  8. Hypest

    Just as OP as the Phoenix against ground. The striker is good against air because that is its thing. It can only shoot at vehicles in the first place (mediocre at best against ground). So yeah it has to be good at something and it is good against liberators/galaxies and all right against ESFs. Also it has the highest risk and the only ESL with a hard counter.

    If you want to nerf that ability you have to buff others.
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    I agree. Striker is OP. Infact, everything TR has is OP. Nerf TR, please. This game is all about balance and TR is clearly unbalanced while NC and VS are perfectly fine.
    /end sarcasm

    No. Just no. If you are going to cry about getting ***** by strikers, stop flying. Play infantry. Can't lock on to infantry. Problem solved.
  10. Pie Chasm

    Liberator, keep height above 500-550 meters. You're now immune to all lock-ons, or.. learn how to maneuver.

    ESF, stop being bad.

    Galaxy, stop being terrible.
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  11. UltraTech

    I was hit by Striker even when reached 1km above the ground.
  12. MrDerpAssault

    This post gave me cancer. Derp.
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  13. GreatWhiteYeti

    Then the guy who hit you was standing atop a galaxy flying behind you. Lock on range of Strikers are 400m for air. 500m for land. If you were locked on and fired at from the ground, and all you did was afterburn straight to the flight ceiling, then yes. You were probably hit. But you weren't killed, since striker damage is comparably low, and even then, if you flew straight up into the sky to avoid seeker missiles, you should have died instead for being dumb.

    Honestly I don't even bother using my striker anymore. It's worthless. Every NC & VS vehicle has flares or IR smoke nowadays, it can't lock on Turrets anymore, can't be dumb-fired, can't even kill an ESF even if all 5 rockets hit, and is ridiculously easy to avoid. It even fails to kill the **** ESF pilots who hover low outside a spawn. I find myself using the base rocket more and more, swapping to burster max when there's sufficient air presence to justify it.

    The rockets are just too easy to avoid for the striker to be useful, and getting to a sufficiently elevated position where the rockets have a decent chance of hitting is like painting a giant target on yourself. It's the only one of the 3 ESRLs that is worsened by time. It's effectiveness is completely nullified as A) More people equip flares/IR, and B) People get better at avoiding homing rockets.
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  14. CptFirelord

    No. Striker barely hits good pilots. This must mean you fall into one of three categories:
    1) Pilot who can't take a hint after one rocket slams into him
    2) Pilot who sits still and doesn't run flares
    3) A very bad pilot.
    I'm leaning towards you being in the third category.
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  15. Moltke

    Strikers scale VERY well against aircraft. Aircraft do not scale well against Strikers.

    1 Striker can cause ONE Liberator to run (I hate that *whack whack whack whack whack* sound...)
    2 Strikers can cause ONE Liberator to run fast (...and maybe die if they don't have flares)
    3 Strikers can cause ONE Liberator to die

    Liberators are not at all worried about Phoenix or Lancer teams on the ground.

    Strikers make it so as a Liberator pilot you HAVE to run Flares. There is no option here. If you don't, you die. There's no reason to cert into Afterburner because it is now useless. That right there is enough for me to think the idea of the Striker isn't the best idea.

    When you get locked on in this game, you can't ever tell WHERE you are getting locked on from. I think fixing that might help pilots a lot. That makes flying very difficult, especially a Liberator that travels so slowly. Flares start out at 40 seconds between pops, and that gives you about 5 seconds before they lock onto you again. It very well may take all of 5 seconds or more to spin a 180 in a Liberator...So with enough strikers, you can't run, you just die. The VS and the NC do not have this ability with their new weapon. That's where I believe people believe the Striker is overpowered. You don't even need skilled aiming to hit with the Striker. The Lancer requires aim, so does the Phoenix. A Liberator can outrun a Phoenix as I do all the time. I don't believe on my TR character I've ever been worried about a squad of Lancers. I've encountered a few and they don't all hit, a lot miss so it was fairly easy to get away.

    Strikers can hit you from incredible range, and if they see you coming, you'll have to turn around before you even get close to them. They are better than the pre-nerf Annihilator.

    5 Strikers can hold off 5+ Liberators with ease. So a crew of 5 on the ground can hold off 15 guys in the air, without any skill at all. It takes zero effort to wield a Striker. Can the NC or VS do this with the Phoenix or the Lancer? Not even close... Did I mention Strikers can also do this to armor at the same time?

    I can't even fathom why anyone at SOE thought adding another lock on weapon in the game would be a good idea. It was a horrible idea before they ever even released it. Annihilators were atrocious, they knew how bad those were and how much the community hated the idea of them, then they made the Strike. Unbelievable...

    I really wish the Striker was different and not a lock-on weapon. When I die, I want to know someone did it with skill not the server killing me with auto guided projectiles. I don't know how I'd redesign the Striker, but it really should have been something different. I'd have to give that a lot of thought to make something on par with the Phoenix and Lancer.

    The striker creates more problems than just affecting enemy aircraft. it changes the way the game is played, it forces tanks to sit back farther and hide and forces air to suicide in to get kills or for most people it just causes them to quit flying altogether, which causes the TR to have a perpetual strong Air Force which then further perpetuates the problem by TR liberators and mossies pounding vs and nc ground forces to death with very little deterent.
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  16. Setyri

    This is so funny considering the second magazine of rockets on the Striker do absolutely zero damage. Its bugged to hell, yet still OP apparently. Go figure...

    Seriously, go try it out for yourself. Get in the VR, load up a Striker, empty a full salvo into any target, reload, and let loose the second salvo; you will see that the second salvo does a whopping 0 damage.
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  17. Hypest

    yea i had some problems with the striker yesterday (doesn't resupply from ammo packs and misses ground targets - or doing zero damage, don't know which one was it)
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  18. Setyri

    So basically what you're saying is that you want to be able to fly around without facing any real threats whatsoever. You do realize you have guns on your gunships and transports, right? How many shells from one of those does it take to kill an infantry? 1. Just 1 shell, that can take out multiple infantry with one well placed hit. How many Striker rounds does it take to down a Liberator or Galaxy? 20? 30? I don't even know, but when I hit anything but a fighter with the Striker, it looks like I'm throwing rocks at it instead of rockets. If the Stiker were as powerful as you claim, TR would be dominating every map all the time. Is that happening? Nope.
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  19. Moltke

    On my server and in my outfit very few people fly anymore. Flying is no longer "newbie friendly" for NC and VS, so NC on my server stick with what is effective, and that is basic grunt work and good leadership. Our rivals who were on FNO last night (TRAF) love their air and on my server the TR air is like a plague, and there's very little NC and VS can do about it except use bursters and skyguards to scare them off. Maybe if everyone had strikers the game would be fair again.
  20. Fumblewatt

    So basically what you're saying is that you want to be able to fly around in a mossie without facing any real threats whatsoever.*

    Making it a stronger lancer?