Striker nerf coming! ROF lowered.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by TriumphOfMan, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Ranik

    One is targeting an MBT and the other is targeting a Galaxy.... you DO realize they have different lock on times right? :rolleyes:
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  2. OmegaPREDATOR

    Well I never notice that ! I was thinking the only difference come with furtivity improvement.
    Did you know where to find different lock-on times ? (I will take a tour un VR zone to try)
  3. Ranik

    It differs between Ground targets,ESF's, Libs, Galaxies iirc with faster lock on times for the larger targets (IE galaxy / lib)
  4. OmegaPREDATOR

    Just make the try on VR and yes you right ! Mea coulpa. ESF are longuer to lock compare to Gal and Lib :(

    So I lurn a thing :) Thanks Ranik.
  5. Ranik

    No problem. The difference between lock on times on different targets is hard to notice when you aren't looking for it.
  6. NoctD

    The lock-on times are the same - I guess anyone that thought it was different was firing at a Galaxy/Liberator.

    And the NS Annihilator is still stupid bugged.
  7. Sabreur

    This nerf confuses me. It doesn't fix any of the issues people were complaining about, for or against the Striker. TR users were complaining about the boring lock on mechanic. Pilots were complaining that they couldn't get without a kilometer of TR infantry without the lock-on indicator lighting up. It's just an all-around annoying weapon for everyone involved.
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  8. Ranik

  9. Pat Cleburne

    Meanwhile Lancer squads gib enemy armor from one hex to another, and no one says a word about it.
  10. zxinfinity

    am i the only one to notice that the lock-on timers aren't in sync? haven't read through all the comments, but i'd take this video with a grain of salt.
  11. NoctD

    That's because one is a tank and the other is a galaxy. Lock-on to Galaxy/Liberators is faster than a tank/ESF.
  12. zxinfinity

    Ahh ok, it's a good thing that I like salt... thanks for pointing that out.
  13. Caserion

    Ever had a lancer up your ***? It takes around 8 shots of a striker to kill you, in other words he has to reload once, so it's easy to kill the one running around with a striker, he even has to stay three seconds in the open to shoot you. Meanwhile, the lancer can be fired immediatly and has no warning of lock on, which gives you no change to run.

    Maybe the Striker is pretty effective against air, but a burster MAX or AA turret will always perform better. Also, the Striker is a death sentence when taking out ground vehicles as you don't only have to wait for the lock on, but ALSO for firing all 5 shots. the bigger magazine size isn't a blessing, it's a curse, which gives you more change to run!.
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  14. Caserion

    Have you ever actually operated a TS Striker outside of the VR?
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  15. S0LAR15

    Good thing the lancer is known as "the tickler".
  16. Squirreli

    Nice wall of tears and personal insults. You, sir, are the embodiment of Forumside 2.
  17. Caserion

    Good thing the Lancer is known as the ''stand 4 seconds in the air without moving and you're boned'' and if the one who operates the Lancer is skilled (something you don't need to be with a lock on launcher, which is why i hate them) he can take me out while i'm flying around. The Lancer also has unlimited range, the Strikers lock-on does.
  18. WalrusJones


    They buffed it to negate the unintended change to its ROF.
  19. Van Dax the weapon with the high skill cap and very situational appeal is better in the hands of a skilled user in certain circumstances? not sure what you're trying to say other than lancer is totally fine.
  20. Caserion

    The TS 2 Striker is a glorified lock on launcher which does nothing special, but having the ability to shoot 5 rockets, rather than one. Even worse, the bigger magazine size is more a curse than a blessing as you have to stand longer in the open to fire all shots, and giving aircraft more change to flee from them. The damage isn't even that great as some say. You can challenge an ESF, but anything else will obliterate you. A one shot rocket launcher which deals 2000 damage in total is ALWAYS better than the Striker in almost any situation as you can run away after shooting one bullet.

    The Lancer can be dumbfired and has a range as far as you can see with no bullet drop. Enabled to attack without warning, only leaving a small trail. No flares can save you from it. Maybe the damage is on the low end, but it's definatly more interesting and more fun to use than a plain lock on launcher. You could say it also has to wait with it's charge up, just like lock on, but unlike the striker, you can wait for that to happen without facing your enemy. The lancer is also enabled to take down MAX units, unlike the Striker.

    Having a higher skill cap is also very important, It means a weapon can be used in more situations and can be more adaptable in the right hands, that's why i am against lock on rockets, you'll never be more effective with them, it is not you who can change the situation, you just have to hope the situation works this time.

    I am not a biased person, at least, i'm trying to be as much as i can. That is why i play on all three factions, my main even used to be a Vanu... And no, i'm not one of those ''i have 2 other faction characters, but i only use them in the VR training room''. I have actually used these characters till around BR 20 and i have used the Lancer and the Phoenix in real battles.