The striker might have maybe received to much of the people's elbow and got owned a little too hard? Don't get me wrong, that thing was once an unstoppable, buggy killing machine and needed a huge kick in the balls but its current version is completely underwhelming. People used to say the striker was nothing more than a fancy annihilator and its old damage potential made that not true but now it really does feel like an annihilator that is worse. Perhaps it should be looked at a little bit?
Oh I agree its useless and has been for a long time. It was never as broken as people claimed remember no dumb fire, and a long cycle time with damage divided into so many vectors meant that it was potential damage that was never realized since 9 out of 10 times 3 or less of the 5 missiles hit (once they fixed the targeting and clipping bugs). But the nerf hammer came down way to hard on it just like the pheonix agility and damage nerfs that resulted and were also too extreme and the annihilator nerfs before it. Most of the nerfs are way too harsh, you want to nudge numbers you should never see adjustments of 25%+ to anything in the patch notes. If the first nerf does not have the desired result nudge it more.
It definitely needs to be looked at. I suggest reducing the absurd 6 rocket lock on requirement to reach it's full DMG potential. lord higby himself is looking to redesign the striker and are currently talking about giving it a coyote style lock
Really all that needs done is pull coyotes off of an esf and skin it to a striker... Done. Not great, but fast and now the weapon is usable.
No one needs to be kicked in the balls, in the same way that no one needs to be *****. Risking causing permanent inability to reproduce is unacceptable assault, and like **** any such attack deserves to be defended with deadly force. You have been warned. And yeah, Striker could use some work.
YES. The Striker is just too bad. I think that SOME of its past performance should be brought back. Not to the point of being STUPIDLY OP, but to the point of being able to fairly kill a vehicle when that kill was deserved. The Lancer is superior, particle beams for life
The previous issue was how much burst there was per reload coupled with how relatively easy it was to hit with that burst. Three mere HA could alpha down quite a bit of stuff. When I tested some stuff though, it looked like the sustained 'damage over time' (aka, time to kill while solo) was actually fairly close to the other ESRLs, so it wasn't like the Striker was putting out more damage in the way Prowlers or the Pounders on a MAX actually have higher DPS as their faction trait over the other factions. I've wondered how going down to 4 rockets, but adjusting the reload/refire time stats to keep the sustained dps similar might've turned out. Basically a bit less alpha strike damage, since front loaded damage weapons stack extremely well. A lock on mechanic like Coyote's sounds interesting, but might neuter the range rather harshly - particularly against moving vehicles... so anything that isn't a deployed Sunderer. Would let TR deny vehicles the use of cover just like the NC does (perhaps even more easily), much like VS punishes those with a lack of cover via Lancers/Vortex.
I think there are a lot topics about the theme STRIKER, and the STRIKER needs a fix SOE just needs the time to find a way, to make him balanced. Striker like now = Joke, (a grounder for 250 certs is better in 90% of the Situations) The old striker = Enemy zergs get stopped by a horde of idiots with a no skill weapon, and they can do nothing. And there are also suggestions about making the striker dumbfire, or dumbfire like coyotis... the point is there is no response from SOE..... so hopefully they change ANYTHING.
Why wouldn't I? I'm not admitting that it's bad, I am STATING that it is bad. But my apologies, I have a sweetheart
Until i'm able to hit reliably a Max suit & engie turrets at 200-300m like lancer and phoenix does, i'll be fine. The point of ESRL is to get long range accurate weapons with "under the average" DPS/TTK.
Tell you what... If you get the majority of all TR players to agree that ZOE needs to be looked at again then we will do the same for Striker. Aside from the lockon bugs that plagues all lockon launchers atm then Striker is still useful in squads compared to ZOE, which has no reason to exist at all atm. Im not suggesting a buff to ZOE but to make something new from scratch instead. My point is, if you raise this question (on either subject) then you gotta be prepared to be flamed. People are in general stupid and will never forgive or forget something that tormented them so much in the passed and are perfectly content with seeing it nerfed in the ground to uselessness.
Both the Striker and ZOE need buffs. In the past, they used to be the joys and prides of the VS and TR. Now... No one dares speak of these wretched pieces of nanite waste, under the threat of execution by ScatMAXes.