Striker is rediculous

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codeak, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Doodmeister

    It's funny how many people in this thread think "OPness" is based solely on kills.

    Yes. It's so simple to turn around in the middle of trying to dodge the rockets flying up your *** and see where they came from. While dodging flak, other rockets, A2A, etc.
    Try this in an ESF and see how well that goes. Record it and post the video for us to see.
  2. Codeak

    Yeah its sad that they had to do this to make the F2P model still work, but it keeps the noobies around still... i guess thats a good thing lol idk tho.
  3. bobzebrick

    Completely this, make it dumb fire only. I would love it, all you guys would be crying about how you got spammed in the spawn by squads with 100s of rockets :rolleyes:
  4. ShureShot

    Completely agreed. When flying lib, we now fight NC about 80% of the time, just because of the Striker.

    You can fight one Striker user, but as soon as there are 2 around, you better get the hell out of there with your lib. It is even more effective than burster maxes. But the real problem is that you hardly ever fight just the Striker user(s). The real problem is the Strikers ON TOP of all the other AA, and that makes it unflyable.

    *Annihilator + flak: you need 4-5 guys with anni to effectively fight off libs.
    *G2A launcher + flak: you better have 3-4 guys with G2A to fight off libs.
    *Striker + flak: 1 guy will probably chase you away, 2 guys with Striker and there is not a snowball's chance in hell you will be able to take out even one sunderer with your Dalton.

    And remember, the Striker isn't even a specialised G2A launcher. But it is MUCH better at that job than the specialized one. Ah, sweet balance.

    Some numbers:

    I have been flying lib since beta. The Striker has only been introduced recently. My vehicle kills are spread rather evenly between NC and TR. Except the lib kills. I'm heading for twice as much NC kills in the lib. And that will only get worse, because the Striker is quite simply ruining every chance you have in a lib fighting TR.

    And I am sure it's annoying if your rockets don't hit the target when firing Strikers. But against libs, there is ususally nothing between you and your target except air. On top of that, lock on rockets still hit after deploying flares. You flare, and 2 seconds later you still get hit by Strikers. Trust me, that's also pretty annoying.

    Not to mention that I can't even use my maxed out fire extinguisher since the Striker came out. And I liked my fire extinguisher. A lot. So now I had to spend 2000 certs on flares, just for the bloody Striker that only costs HALF of its counter.
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  5. Armgarion

    2 Strikers with a ammo pack near them and the territory is a no fly zone, and on top of that it can still hit ground units (Although thankfully GU7 added a bug where you'll do no damage/miss to a ground vehicle)

    I feel like the standard dumb fire launcher should have been the only launcher for HA's
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  6. Codeak

  7. Purg

    Have all three ESRL's, initially found the Striker to be the best of the bunch - now it's easily the worst. Oh, you moved behind that leaf? No lock. Your tank moved behind that small bump? Missiles defeated. Managed to fire on an ESF who didn't flare? Oh - he pointed the nose down for a fraction of a second, missiles attempt to burrow through the ground. Liberators are probably the only thing it's actually OK against given the right circumstances.

    For me, the winner is clearly the Lancer. Why more VS don't use it, I don't know. That thing is a killing machine. Almost crapped my pants when I killed a flash with it at about 400m that was on the move. Poor guy had no idea what was coming. Liberators are easy to hit with it and they don't get a warning of their impending doom.
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  8. Torok

    as a main vanguard pilot, i think the striker is fine, the lancer and phoenix are much more dangerous against mbts imho
    do i have to make a thorough comment? i don't think so, after all a phoenix can hit from outside los, a lancer can peek and shoot, while the striker must maintan lockon and i can break it in any moment denying partial or total damage, or i can just kill him while he has to show atleast his head (which is all i need to shoot at after all)

    this said, it's pretty much balanced
  9. K3STR3L

    Oh look its another Codeak "I'm bored" or "nerf" thread. Awaits the next one in a few days time.
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  10. Cpu46

    So this is a thread solely for bashing the striker and has no discussion value whatsoever, due to the fact that anyone who does not agree that there is an issue or feels that the issue is not as big as you do is automatically discredited due to them disagreeing with your opinion?

    Well then, I am sure as hell not going to waste my time arguing with you.
  11. Codeak

  12. Codeak

    Yeah get outta here.
  13. LightningWolfTigrBer

    It's always cute when the teenagers accuse others of being/acting like children.
  14. XParagonX

    Yes, 1 lib versus 1 HA that lib can own that HA, you are correct. Thats not the problem with the striker, it the striker is masses.

    TR has 20 guys sitting around with a striker(exe does it all the time on helios), that has the ability to deter air and own it if they don't run away.
    Can the other ESRL's do this? No, NC's is too slow for the most part, and Only a really good lancer user will hit air. Only takes 10 durta durta's with strikers to own without any skill whatsoever.
  15. Cpu46

    I have to admit this made me chuckle a bit.

    CPU46 OUT!
  16. Codeak

    Yeah get outta here
  17. Codeak

  18. Llaf

    I think it's op too, but only in numbers. One guy with a striker against one tank or air unit is probably going to get his *** shot off before he can even fire. When I'm running around in a striker team though, them's some fun times right there.

    EDIT: Also, the best counter to a striker team? Infiltrators, and lots of em.
  19. K3STR3L

    Gotta admit it Codeak you are a tough nut to crack. Carry on :)
  20. LightningWolfTigrBer

    >that response
    >that signature
    >this entire thread

    Yup, you're a teenager, bro. Accept it, own it, and dare to be something more.