Striker has been fixed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by phreec, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Tekuila

    One striker mag does not set you on fire.
  2. Meeka

    Have you ever tried using the Striker on ESFs and Liberators pounding away at the base you are in? No? I didn't think so. Go ahead, try it, see how "effective" it is.

    When put into practice, the weapon which doesn't warn your enemy that they should escape by giving them a "beep beep beep beep BEEP!" and then suddenly and without warning destroying their aircraft with one hit is the most effective weapon... you not recognizing this, and more so, using it to your advantage, makes you look rather silly.

    Hell, I've killed some of the best pilots on Mattherson with the Phoenix... where the Striker only scares them away with a lock warning.
  3. Phrygen

    Dalton has AP modifier. Striker doesn't. Not comparable.
  4. Twitch760

    The Phoenix handles like a damn boat if the enemy fighter/bomber moves in the slightest you will miss because you don't have enough time to adjust. If you did manage to shoot anyone down it was cause they were hover spamming rockets which is never a good idea. Plus everyone knows that the Phoenix won't travel more than 300 meters so they stand off at 301 meters and are perfectly safe. The Striker will light your *** up from well beyond 300 meters. While I get it that the lock on warning scares the pilot off or forces him to use flares right there you've taken him out of the game cause hes got to run or die.
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  5. Meeka

    I know how the Phoenix handles, I use it. At least with a Phoenix you can hit a hovering target... try that with a Striker. As soon as the pilot gets the "lock" warning they boost flares and after burn away. So, you don't even get the opportunity to try to hit your target. And, the pilot only has to run for 20 seconds (flare reset time)... and any good pilot worth his beans will be flying in low and strafe bombing targets without hovering, making it impossible to hit them with anything but bursters, regardless.

    Also, you can break a lock just by flying below a tree line, easily.
  6. EvilJollyT

    Yeah, the hovering pilots. They're the ones you really need to watch out for with their amazing skills.

    Are you seriously trying to debate the benefits of a Phoenix over a Striker in an AA capacity? Cause that would make it the most stupid thing ever said on these forums, even with the new changes.
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  7. GraphicJ

  8. Takara

    Ok then fair still does 1000 more damage then the Decimator and higher Damage output plus lockon.
  9. axiom537

    Meeka, you are so full of **** is not funny. Lets see your video montage of Phoenix Aircraft kills if you are so leet it shouldn't take more then half hour or so. Or maybe you should just link us your NC Character that gets all of these Air craft kills with the Phoenix.

    We all know it won't happen because you are nothing more then a troll at best, that is absolutely clueless.
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  10. Vearo

    A full striker mag does (5x500) 2500. A Decimator does 2000. A Lancer mag can do (6x2*250) 3000 taking into account armor modifiers.

    It does have a higher damage output assuming that all rockets hit.
  11. Goretzu

    We need to see a video of you doing this.

    Libs are rarely within 300m.

    ESF are more often but usually are moving faster than the Pheonix itself does.

    Not to mention IF you stand around with a good view of the sky if you're not sniped instantly whilst flying your Pheonix then you're lolpodded by an ESF.

    It's actually hard enough to get a lock-on onto an aircraft (without dying) in those situation, never mind a Pheonix.

    So show us some video of you easily hitting ESFs and Libs or I simply call bovine faeces. ;)
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  12. DOXaus123

    Half wrong. Decimator does 2000dmg, 5 striker rockets = 2500dmg.

    But aircraft have 50% resistance to that 2500 becomes.....1250 dmg (ESF has 1750 health)
  13. Gorion

    hmm ok i will try to create a video where u can see the "intelligent missile"..... warping through a mountain ;)
    thought that VS are the tech freaks?!
  14. Phrygen

    First off, Deci is 2000 damage i believe. Regular dumbfire is 1700.

    it makes sense given the number of rounds and the lock-on mechanic that it does more than a deci. reducing the damage per shot makes sense though. you cant hit players/maxes or turrets with a striker, or quickly hit armor with a striker for example.

    Aircraft as another player mentioned above me, have innate lock on resistance.
  15. Ubad00d

    This. Funny, after the hotfix and the hotfit of the hotfix I experienced the first time where a striker had killed me with no lock on warning whatsoever :(

    Still ignoring flares, and sometimes it gives you no warning of a lock, then suddenly comes up with the flashing lock on - pop flares...wait a second - still dead by striker.
  16. Lampenfieber

    Still destroying armor like paper and fast, is not fixed for me.
  17. Donaldson Jones

    Well I haven't gone against the striker in a known cover loss area so to me it remains to be seen. As for explosions going through shields it seem they still do when there is a flurry of damage to the shield, it seems inevitably some dmg gets through, but I could be wrong friendly fire after all isn't, and usually comes from behind.

    500m meters for 2500 guided dmg at high speed is a bit out of line. Phoenix and Lancer can't touch that dps and while the lancer and phoenix have some great tricks both require FAR more Exposure to return fire whereas, a striker user can stay in the shield, get a lock fire and retreat. The PRECISE dmg in MASS is the problem.
  18. TheFullCologne

    you obviously don't know how to use the stryker, which is sad because every other tr player does. u probably play solo or your squadmates suck with coordinating air locks. trying to argue that phoenix is better aa than stryker... sigh... they need age restrictions on these forums..
  19. TheFullCologne

    its the best thing I have heard on these forums! phoenix isbetter AA than stryker... so much troll from his posts.
  20. Slandebande

    500m for air, 400m for ground. No need to only put 1 of the 2 numbers out there unless you are purposely leaving out things or just being ignorant. The Phoenix can be fired from behind cover (not exposed) and I've seen it put to great effect by enemies knowing how to use it. The Lancer can fire the shot before the Striker has gained lock and fired all 5 missiles.
    And the Striker has an active countermeasure as well, with a neat little warning attached that enemies are aiming your way and you should move. Can't just ignore those facts either.

    Resistances make the Striker not do 2500 damage against practically any targets. Against air is especially pronounced.