Striker dumbfire acting like coyote to air units not fair, give this to all lock-on's

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MisterBond, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. r4zor

    Well, firing all five rockets will net you a good 1625 (IIRC) damage and that in about the same time that it takes for G2A lockons to get a lock. This means TR will have quite a good advantage against Air now, since they won't get the lock-on warning early and by the time the pilot gets a chance to react, 2-3 Missiles are already heading its way / hitting the ESF. It is quite likely that one is capable of unloading all 5 shots on an ESF with some good aim.

    Not saying its broken but .. you know... Definitely an upgrade.
  2. Kociboss

    Holy cow, VS and NC players bashing (rightfully so) OP for creating this useless thread.

    What happened forumside?


    They will probably be effective only against close, hovering aircraft. At this point I'd rather use my Decimator.
  3. Rikkit

    Hmm, i can see the use of the striker, when you are spawn-camped by air units.
    But for setting up a no fly zone, i would prefer burster / Anni /G2A-lockon over the striker at everyday of the week.

    Maybe i would force the Striker-havys to sit in the new cert-pinata. Just for the lolz.
  4. xArchAngelx

    So basically, you want a coyote rocket launcher that automatically targets and hits ANY vehicles that are in close proximity to the projectile? Do you know how freak'n fast people would call for nerf? Making the projectiles lock on to air only is a great idea, because you still have to get the missile within a certain distance of the aircraft. Otherwise it'll just fly off into oblivion. The amount of skill needed to pull off good shots is far greater than that of the lock on launchers "set it and forget it". Where is the actual skill in lock ons?
  5. Forumside

    This is an awful idea that will just make it even dumber.

    It's hard enough to get near the ground at a base these days. Almost EVERY TR has a Striker because of how OP it was last year. When you can dumbfire it at infantry, it'll become the default launcher for use. This means EVERY TR that's not absolutely brand new will have one to point at ANY air unit that gets NEAR a TR base.

    And for everyone saying "you have to aim some" dumbfire shots get within 5m of the aircraft EVERYTIME and yet I hit less than 1% of all rockets I shoot at ESF's and Libs. With this mechanic, my accuracy would most likely be 90-95%.

    Strikers with this mechanic are a HORRIBLELY imbalanced idea. It would do what the A2A launchers already do but significantly better since it wouldn't fire like a fat kid jumping off a trampoline.
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  6. Villanuk

    The problem we have now, is that the standard NS Annihilator only needs two hits to kill an ESF, so why would anyone choose the T2, in its current format, it really has no value or place in this game. I do agree with you, that when SOE start messing with our stuff we end up with another disaster, which is where the striker is now.

    The concern i do have, is now the game has more tank zergs we needed something to counter the zerg, like the NC and VS, but this launcher is not going to lock on to tanks, so whats the point of it. It would still make scene to use the NS launcher for the Air, so i think the changes will be quite pointless.
  7. Thesweet

    Yeh, because a rocket that can be steered around cover to finish of vehicles isn't. Stop crying like a girl.
  8. Zotamedu

    I really don't care about the Cayote mechanic against air. I am just happy to get a rocket launcher that I can actually use for something. The current striker is bascially useless and way over nerfed. It can't be used against ground targets because of the tracking always hitting the ground unless you are standing on a mountain looking down. That is if you even manage to get a lock and hold it for the time it takes for all rockets to hit. You have probably been shot by then. It works slightly better against air but you still never ever get the decent pilots because they know they only need to dive a bit and all rockets miss. Or fly past something large so the tracking is lost and all rockets turns to the sky.

    I can't use the striker against turrets because they do not lock on anymore. That's both MANA and Phalanx. I can't use it against MAX. Now I will finally get the mechanic I was hoping for when they first showed it. Basically a fracture.
  9. jiggu

    A squad full of MCG cutting down ESFs yes please
  10. libbmaster

    Not all of us have perfect aim.

    The striker could engage aircraft farther out, faster, and with more chance of success.
  11. doombro

    No, I don't want a coyote anything. Coyotes on any platform other than aircraft is a horrible idea. Its effectiveness is being vastly overrated. That's what I've been complaining about in the first place. We're being given a piece of garbage and nobody is batting an eye over it.
  12. FactionTraitsFTW

    OP ****!
    Morons like you are ruining this game.
  13. LT_Latency

    They striker got changed in the last patch, The rockets will go over object in front of you then come down on your target.

    Yesterday, I was hitting ground targets I couldn't even see after I locked on
  14. kahavi

  15. Flag

    No, the striker is universally regarded as brain dead boring/annoying/frustrating for everyone involved.

    It has it's uses, but that doesn't make it much fun.
    It's boring to use, and it's boring to be used on. Whoever actually believes the Striker has no use doesn't know what they're talking about.

    The new one... It's a mechanic that's unlike anything ground has ever gotten a chance to use. Could be interesting, and maybe even a good replacement for the current lock-on version.
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  16. MisterBond

    Except the effectiveness is that an air unit is hiding behind a hill, and all you have to do is shoot over the top of it and always hit the aircraft

    And that aircraft can't play peek-a-boo around landscape and engage targets because the second they even try to do it they're hit by lock on rockets

    Or that because they require no lock on time, an air unit passing by the ground at sub 150 meters will instantly be hit by lock on rockets

    But go ahead and keep on saying Coyote lock is "Nothing", I just hope if it goes live it only lives the six hours original Phoenix functionality did in its hilariously broken state
  17. GhostAvatar

    BS, considering they already put it in for the Directive weapons. Plus it already exists on the phase shift.
  18. NC supporter

    They would have to change the coding for each weapon due to the type of weapon it is and how effective it is in certain fields.
  19. t31os

    Have you actually used it yet? Quit with the QQ and wait until it's at least up on test and proving as powerful as you're being fanatical about.
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  20. lawn gnome

    that would simply be a matter of setting numbers on a spreadsheet if they were even remotely smart about how they set things up. all they would have to do is change a few variables to dial each weapon in. the mechanic is already in game with the base turrets and the engineer AI turret. you would be surprised how much copy pasta happens in programming. ctrl + C and ctrl + V are two commands that have become near and dear to my heart since i learned C++, some like ctrl + X but i don't like removing lines of code until after i am sure they are comfy and settled in their new home.