Striker and Trap complete garbage.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, May 13, 2015.

  1. DQCraze

    Please balance the Faction Specific weapons. The Striker and the Trap and so out of whack they are barely usable.
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    What did I just stand up for, dear audience? It is clear the issue is not originating from biased opinions. TR empire specific weapons really need a boost, and they need it before it's too late. Not just their usefulness, but their looks, uniqueness, and functionality.
  3. Grumblefern

    It's not any individual weapon that is the problem. VS and NC have some duds as well. Phaseshift I'd say might even be worse than the Trap because of its lack of optic suiting its range limitation and semi-auto mode.

    The problem is TR has no long range AV that works.

    NC has three weapons all allowing unique ways of hitting vehicles. Raven spam gives you wire guided, Phoenix give you TV guided, and they have dumb fire and lock-on options like everyone else.

    VS has no-drop on all their AV stuff. One trick pony, but we hit vehicles well enough.

    TR OTOH has what are essentially just dumb fire or lock-on with minor variations. They don't have any special ways of reaching their target effectively. You can't get a squad of TR to focus fire an armor column from some odd cliff in the same manner VS can get a bunch of lancers, or NC some Raven MAXes. TR would have to just use lots of AV turrets probably.


    I'd add that TR's basic infantry guns are lacking in variety which is a problem, but this is true of VS as well. Both have their share of lackluster lower RoF 143 weapons that don't stand up to the 167-200 tier that NC have and feel too much like NS weapons minus the traits that make NS weapons good(extra damage per mag, .75 ADS, attachment access).
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  4. Isokon

    The Trap is the least popular among the ESSR, but it performs the best out of the three.
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  5. Geneaux

    People use it like scout rifle, which in turn meaning they'll use it like the majority of weapons that require burst fire of tapping for effective fire at range. As a sniper, not so much. The other ones fall short because their de-facto bolt actions(Bolt driver and parallax(think I got the names right))already fit long engagements well just by being more rounded weapons, probably because they're been the game longer. ie. railgun's reload abysmally long, you'll want headshots mostly anyway, so the dmg is fairly moot.
  6. Ballto21

    Say the phaseshfit is a bad weapon one more time mother****er i dare you i double dare you
  7. Leftconsin

    The TRAP is a scout rifle. I hate sniping in this game, but at least I can use the TRAP and KSR-35, which are scout rifles mislabeled as snipers, to complete the Infiltrator directive.
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  8. DQCraze

    I know all the factions have some Faction specific duds, but to me these weapons should be held to a higher standard because of their uniqueness. I'm not just asking for TR weapons but all faction specific weapons should be brought up to par.

    The blatant disregard of the DEV team to throw these to the side is inexcusable, (may as well throw the colors and lore out with it.) We've been fed so much crap over the last 2 years and had to deal with a LAZY and INCOMPTETANT DEV team, things need to change and quickly. They wont even post on their own forums, what kind of *** backwards company doesn't communicate to their share holders what's going on with their product on their own website. I didn't know that reddit made PS2....

    Faction specific weapons should be the core of the game, you have nothing without them. To me Faction specific weapons are the signature or soul of the faction. I feel cheated having to deal with the crap and I'm tired of feeling cheated.
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  9. RedArmy

    the Striker is not garbage at all, it is an excellent air deturance weapon - i can land more shots faster with the striker and do more damage than the Anihilator and the Grounder
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  10. Mefi

    And then you get attacked by an ESF with maxed stealth and your striker doesn't hit it even once.

    Striker is pathetic, it's barely stronger at AA than Lancer, but has much shorter effective range and it's less useful at any other task.
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  11. axiom537

    I think the Striker has another Year left as it is, until it balances out how incredibly OP it was for the first year...
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  12. DQCraze

    Youre right, for aircraft that are 50m away and hovering completely still or landed its good. But then i can just one shot with a decimator.

    Striker is garbage...
  13. RedArmy

    anyone whos good at lead to target has no issue with any rocket - the stiker just gives you added benefit if your a little off on aim
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  14. asmodraxus

    The problem is that the devs released the common pool annihilator first and then the ESAV which the Striker shared virtually every aspect of the annihilator except for the striker have greater DPS due to the 5missiles. This coupled with the lazy lock on code meant thatif the first missile hit (which could also go through rocks thanks to CSHD) meant all the missile would hit.

    A few months after the Striker release the Mossie got nerfed unfairly due to its over performance or how the striker was shooting down anything that flew into TR (combat zone) air space and hence the kill figures showed a performance discrepancy. Since then the devs have lost focus on what to do with the striker.

    Fractures got changed since they were 1/2 shotting infantry and tanks and became the go to weapon for TR max units being able to kill anything with impunity, hence they got nerfed too hard and became unused.

    Trap I agree its a scout rifle and like the phase shift needs to be rethought and redone. Right now the NC get 5 bolt actions which are all fairly easy to auraxium, TR and VS get 4 and a semi auto. Railjack = easymode compared to the semi autos, Trap and Phaseshft.

    You are a monster! But you are not wrong... are we being punished for what we did to the planet?
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  16. Liewec123

  17. zaspacer

    My suggestion for the Striker is to add a "toggle" mode that allows the user to switch between the Current Version and the post-nerf Lockon Version.

    Neither is regarded as OP (and many claim both are weak), but as a combined weapon their versatility would make something worth using. I'd use such a combo-Striker as my default launcher for my TR HA.
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  18. SwornJupiter

    I think, in terms of the striker, a velocity buff, accuracy increase and coyote function for ground vehicles would do it for me.

    It wont be a good solution or a fix, but may be viable to once again be used in squads.

    And for those of you who say the DPS would be too great... well... in its current state, a striker user is lucky to LAND ONE OF HIS ROCKETS. The actual DPS is really like 1/10th of what it says on paper.

    Cant tell you how frustrating it is to align my ADS aiming reticle perfectly on that vanguard, only for 90% of my shots to land short or skim over the top of the tank.
    Seriously, do the projectiles come out at 45 degree angles from where the barrel is pointed?
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  19. PostalDude

  20. Naphemil

    lol.... because the tr have the best grammar in the game.... you're worse than a racist.