Straight Pull Bolt Thought

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Souleater, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Souleater

    Several folks have commented about the danger of tunnel vision with these things.

    However, is it not worth it to have the SPB fitted and still unscope between shots?

    Assuming that my computer can start re-chambering a round faster than I can physically, that is. I have tried this and as a poor sniper it does give me one less thing to think about.

    On the downside I can see it leading to bad habits.
  2. Plunutsud pls

    I think the SPB is useful to have but you shouldn't use it too often - to avoid tunnel vision.

    A good enemy sniper needs just a few seconds to spot, target and shoot you.
  3. yeHHH1g

    Tunnel vision is a factor, but I still slap on the pull-bolt because there are situations where you want to get shots off quickly without unscoping. But most of the time I unscope between shots, it's just nice to have the option since there are no downsides.
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  4. Rikkit

    i have the straight pull always atached, since it is a straight upgrade, without a downside.
    thanks to my muscle memmory, i still unscope after pulling the trigger.
    But sometimes it's nice to have. i found it espacially usefull, for zeroing in.
    With the straight pull, you can take your time and watch the bullet traveling to the target,
    without worring about the extended time till the next shot.
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  5. Shiaari

    I don't worry about tunnel vision. I'm an infiltrator. I can cloak.

    If someone is good enough to headshot me in that instant I'm uncloaked for a shot, then it means I lingered too long at that spot. The odds of someone being able to initially notice my momentary decloak and score a headshot in that same instant are somewhere between zero and none, and if a player is good enough to do that then unscoping isn't going to help avoid that.
  6. TorigomaSET

    I follow 3 simple rule,
    1) If you kill them, scope out.
    2) if you don't kill them and they get away, scope out.
    3) If you don't kill them, but you can get another shot, take it.
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  7. geekrider

    I thought SPB was awesome when it came out. I found it just messed with my situational awareness. I still have it equipped, though I do the customary scope out-scope in after every shot. SPB for me personally is only good if you land a body shot and want to quickly follow up with another body shot to kill.
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  8. cruczi

    Takes me less than a second to fire after seeing the enemy sniper uncloak...
  9. Plunutsud pls

    That's if you have him in your crosshairs already, right?
  10. VanuSShooter

    I'm too used not using it so I'm probably not going to be getting it ... although sometimes I feel like it would have been useful.
  11. Moridin6

    i use it when shooting maxs
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  12. Rikkit

    unscoping isn't for avoid headshots, unscoping is for detecting ennemy, who are going to flank you, and look for your next target.
  13. cruczi

    Yes, but that's very typical when counter sniping. You locate where the sniper is sitting and wait for his next cloak cycle. The faster he will cloak after firing, the better his chances, and he can't 100% anticipate when and where an enemy sniper might be waiting for him to uncloak, so every time he skips a cloak cycle is a big risk.
  14. Shiaari

    Cloak or decloak, the best way to deal with that problem is to relocate. I mean, that's basic sniping 101.

    My point is that a straight pull bolt in of itself doesn't create any habits that aren't already there. Pulling out of scope isn't what's going to keep you from being counter-sniped, but relocating.

    Another thing I find that helps is having appropriate camo. Ok, that sounds pretty common sense, but I find all kinds of snipers wearing some silly, flashy, or otherwise glaringly visible camo/trim and it just screams shoot me. That's one of my big issues with the Player Studio: While they look good, 99% of them actually suck.

    I like to hide in bushes with an appropriate camo. I'll pick a field with lots of bushes near the target area and cloak and relocate to the different bushes at what I hope are random. Yeah, the bush obscures some of my vision, but I cloak and shift around to get the shots I need.
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  15. Shiaari

    Don't ever shoot MAXes. They're baiting you. When a sniper shoots my MAX I will actually sit there and let him just so that other snipers can see where he's at.
  16. Rikkit

    hmm, when the sniper hit the head, it's hurt
  17. Shiaari

    Not really. When a sniper shoots a MAX (even in the head) it's a scratch. If it's a MAX carrying kinetic armor it's an even lighter scratch. An engineer can hide behind it and repair with impunity, or if it has nanites it can duck behind cover and repair that minuscule amount of damage in a few seconds.

    Sniping a MAX is about as productive as sniping a vehicle. The only time it might be productive is if you have a team of snipers focusing on a single MAX, and even then it has plenty of time to seek cover and repair.

    Meanwhile, you've given away your position for nothing. Just don't snipe at MAXes. In general it's a bad, bad, bad idea.
  18. JesNC

    There's no reason not to slot the SPB. It allows for much faster follow-ups shots without losing sight of your target. If you get blindsided due to tunnel vision you just have to re-learn to check for threats between kills.
  19. Scudmungus

    If you can get a shot of with impunity, you can distract, harass and make the flakier MAX pilots fall back. It also reduces the TTK for your team mates engaging the swine. I wouldn't call it bad idea to take the shot - but sure, it's a bad idea to get tunnel vision and commit to a kill/to take the shot without a strategy in mind.

    UNLESS you're being bad-*** and kiting a NC MAX in an open field. That's right there, is like Big Game Hunter 2000. Glorious fun.

    Less so in a building x_x

    ACTUALLY OT: Bolt Good. Likely bolt. But aye, don't let it become a crutch. As Mickey would say, ''STICK AND MOVE, STICK.. AND MOVE!''

    He'd also probably say, ''Stay away! Make faces! Move around the ring! You got him, kid!''

    ..but he's Irish and a fictional character.
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  20. Canno

    Worth having, why not? Another tool in the box.

    I use it when there's a line of engies on turrets and I'm pretty protected or shooting maxes. A lot of maxes are big sissies and a head shot will get them to move, if not a couple more will. Even if I can dislodge them from their place or make them retreat to get repaired it's worth it.

    As for baiting, that works both ways. I've drawn maxes out of their comfy hiding spot trying to get me and they get mowed down. *shrug* Everything's a target.

    Heck I'll snipe vehicles and planes just to try and tick them off enough that they'll come looking, maybe in to a trap :)
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