Stop with the "Remove 0.75 ADS" bull****

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberNoob1337101, Aug 27, 2015.

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  1. Scr1nRusher

    I just explained why in the response I gave you.

    Which isn't talking about removing 0.75 ADS off "everything" that has it.
  2. UberNoob1337101

    It's still super easy to hit targets with 0.75 ADS and the real advantage is peak-a-boo, and every weapon that has it suffers from either extremely limited range or from crap DPS. The benefit is important when at longer ranges where bullet velocity is important and dodging bullets is also more important, yes, but it isn't nearly as big as everybody makes it out to be.
  3. Scr1nRusher

    I'm not talking about removing 0.75 ADS from "everything".
  4. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Yeah, just from VS.
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    This isn't about VS lol.
  6. AlterEgo

    Honestly, I have no problem removing .75 ADS movement speed, but I would MUCH prefer other weapons getting buffs that makes EVERYONE happy. Then again, LMGs would be too heavy to move around quickly, let alone aim and move. Here's my total opinion.
    Remove 0.75 ADS move speed.
    Give unique traits for VS weapons.

    HOWEVER, if people miss the movement bonus that the Orion gave, then a new weapon called the VW-9 "Vegas" is released. Unlike any other weapon, this has NO penalties on ADS movement speed, and has a very rapid reload, but its damage is negligible and its velocity isn't too good for a LMG.
  7. ATRA_Wampa-One

    VS just happen to have the only ES 0.75 ADS LMG's.

    Yeah, nothing to do with VS at all.

    You really need to stop making things up.
  8. Scr1nRusher

    0.75 ADS shouldn't be on a LMG and removed from all LMG's that have it =/= Only VS LMG's.

    0.75 ADS shouldn't be on a LMG and removed from all LMG's that have it = All LMG's that have it(This includes the NS-15M)

    Also I love it how in your stig that you "quoted" me without including the rest of what I said.
  9. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Care to back up your opinion with a single fact?

    No really, I'd love to know why in the last 3-6 months you'be been going on about this you can't point to a single instance where 0.75 ADS is actually a problem.

    Different =/= Problem.
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  10. Scorpion97

    Here is a simple equation:

    OP=game breaking

    You said its not OP,so it is NOT game breaking

  11. Scr1nRusher

    I've said this over and over.

    0.75 ADS & the HA shield is a bad mix.

    Also how LMG's are the type of weapon that supposed to be the opposite of mobility for balance reasons.
  12. Scr1nRusher

    I never claimed 0.75 ADS is "OP". But its a balance concern that could be fixed while improving alot of the weapons with compensation buffs.
  13. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Then you wouldn't mind a blanket nerf to all the 0.35 moving ADS COF LMG's along with the 0.75 ADS nerf right? I mean an improved moving ADS COF makes them better while moving which you seem to be against.
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    Why nerf?
  15. Jubikus

    Honestly a little accuracy/COF buff wouldnt do much as the problem with the weapon is unlike its counterparts it has no mechanic to make it relaible against distance targets NC and VS have Guidence and Velocity much like their faction specific launchers but the TR just shoot more our faction specific launcher unlike its counterparts is only ok against close air with cyote but has no cyote against ground. If they were going to stick with theme then they should put a Cyote effect on the fractures so that it has that leway against distance targets the balance would come in on the lock on range for the effect.
  16. Alan Kalane

    I couldn't care less.
    I do have some .75 guns but I do not consider them OP, I rarely even use them.
    Just finish this pointless whining, one way or another!

    - did you know all SMGs also have a .75 ADS multiplier? So now tell me why SMGs aren't OP... They fill the exact same niche Orion does, except Orion has slightly longer effective range... But Orion has way worse hipfire CoF than any SMG (most people hipfire SMGs, it's way better in Close Quarters than ADSing). So basically Orion is an SMG that can't be hipfired
  17. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Ahh, so the classic case of calling for nerfs to what unique things other people have in abundance but you want to keep your unique toys that you do.

    You're such a joke of a poster on these forms.
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  18. Ronin Oni

    Fractures have more potential DPS than Vortex, so it stands to reason they should expect more misses for an avg DPS about the same.

    Their velocity isn't much of a problem, the CoF spread is.

    Skill can account for required lead. No amount of skill can help you when RNGesus frowns upon you (which is always with Fracs)
  19. Scr1nRusher

    Now onto the personal attacks.

    Also how is 0.75 ADS a "unique" thing for VS if TR,NC & NS have 0.75 ADS weapons?
  20. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Since your entire argument is that 0.75 ADS is only bad when combined with the HA's over shield name one ES weapon that has 0.75 and isn't VS.

    0.75 ADS LMG's is a faction trait for VS.
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