Stop putting in stuff from PS1 that nobody wants.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Belphan, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. TeknoBug

    That AMP pistol was garbage, I was happy with the Beamer (of which I could shred MAXs and damage vehicles with using alt fire). But I remember everytime I heard the AMP pistol going off, I KNEW it was a cloaker, everyone then turns on darklight and runs around... it was funny to watch.
  2. TeknoBug

    You're just like that guy that wrote a loooooong blog on hating beer after having only taken 3 sips of it 3 separate times over the past 21 years.

    PS1 wasn't a place where you can just pick up and go, in PS1 you gain certs to allocate into what you want to use, not all vehicles and not all weapons were accessable from BR1. That's why I rolled 2 toons of each faction for different roles.

    Also I'm surprised you lasted longer than a week in BF2, BF2 had almost as much depth as PS1 did in terms of ranking up, ranking in BF2 took for freaking ever.
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  3. 01101010

    Boomers. It was all about cloaked explosions.
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  4. IronWarrior

    Please mentally replace the word obstacle with the word game everytime you hear it said.

    Orbital strikes is the next weapon that will change warfare just like how guns, tanks and planes did many years ago, so get used to it and learn to adapt to it. War is hard and true warfare is knowing you can be instantly killed anytime, anyplace.

    This game is already P2W just like any other free to play game. That doesn't mean none playing playes can't beat a player who is putting money in the game, but someone who is buying all the decent weapons and only using their certs to upgrade stuff is going to have a better game then someone who isn't.
  5. Fivetide

    Lol. So you think that a set of weapons is what people want when they ask for more planetside? Not to mention that most weapons in the game were "copied" in the same way (not that the actual ingame performance of the RL or most other weapons resemble what they were in ps1).

    Sadly I struggle to find any significant changes to the gameplay in the roadmap. The closest I get are the "lattice" system and continent locking.
  6. Wecomeinpeace

    There is a difference between game mechanics and items. And art assets. This game is in desperate need of implementing more of planetside 1s mechanics and art. Items (weapons, abilities and vehicles/air) maybe not so much. But "stuff"...if you word it like that i can only disagree, this game needs more "stuff" from PS1, not more "stuff" from CoD/BF.

    I just wish they wouldn't have named this game "Planetside" at all. It was misleading and indicated a certain strategic depth, original gameplay and a distinct futuristic theme, all of these elements are completely absent here. Sadly the global auraxian conflict in the year 2900something feels, looks and plays just like any other modern military sim in "conquer" mode with some james bond props thrown into it. Meh...
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  7. Zenith

    PS1 mechanics and vehicle animations, combined with PS2 graphics and gun-play. Best. Game. Ever.
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  8. MaxDamage

    Disagree with thread title 100%. MOAR! BETTAR!
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  9. Bobby Shaftoe

    Oh boy, you think this is only happening now?

    You didn't get an OS coz you shot 15 people in the back.
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  10. FigM

    Orbital strikes would definitely be a terrible idea

    They could be fun in an RTS game, but not FPS game.
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  11. Kedric

    If this game had 1/10th of what made PS1 great then that would be a good start.

    We already have BF3 and COD. We don't need Battlefield Duty In Space On Indar With Lockon Rockets and Instagib Shotguns.
  12. Zenith

    I'd say it's more Battlefield 2142 than any CoD game I've played since 2003, and that would be fine as long as some PS1 mechanics made it into the game. I guess that this is the long-term plan, but it's taking them far too long in my opinion.
  13. Stargazer86

    Hey. Hey guys. If they took more concepts from PS1, you wouldn't have 100 threads about shotguns being OP.
  14. Zenith

    Well, the gun mechanics are never going to be PS1, so we probably will still have those threads... as long as it takes them to actually make the required balance adjustments.
  15. TeknoBug

    A few OS in this video, you'll know when you see it even if you've never seen it before.
  16. f0d

    "Stop putting in stuff from PS1 that nobody wants."

    stuff from ps1 nobody wants? what about all the stupid stuff from BF3 nobody wanted like vehicle disable/3derp spotting/classes
    i want more stuff from ps1 like the lattice system/orbital strikes/real engineers
  17. Bill Hicks

    we need George Bush as president from PS 1. i like that guy
  18. Larington

    First time an Orbital strike went off, everyone's reaction was "What the f was that?" lol
  19. Phazaar

    You're making exactly the same point I did; the mistake you're making is thinking PS2 is a BF clone. It's started as a BF clone for sure, as it started as an engine building exercise. It's released in a state that is essentially an ill-thought-out demo of some of the capabilities of that engine, which means that yes, it's very similar to BF (which has no depth of its own; simply a great engine and a very simple model for potential conflicts), however it's going to have content that BF does not, and that is why it will succeed. Does it need everything that was in PS1, and would this please a majority of the playerbase? No. Is that a good starting point? No; it's essentially a finishing point. A clean state for what is a NEW GAME is a much better starting point. Will some things from PS1 make it into the game? Yes, of course. Will a lot of them not make the grade as being neither fitting for the audience, nor conducive to bettering the user experience? Yes, of course.

    I support a modernised version of PS1. My point was about reskinning PS1 to have prettier graphics; this is not a modernised version, it's a reskin, and would have brought no new players, besides the very tiny minority that won't play a game purely because it doesn't have a billion polygons on screen at all times. Advancing the game, starting with a new engine, then building mechanics in from PS1, other games, and our own/the dev's imaginations is the best way to bring in new players, and bringing in new players means the game can be a AAA title, instead of simply a cash cow, screwing the same few thousand people out of money for a few more years.

    This from two proponents of copying the entirety of PS1 as a starting point for PS2... Pot, meet kettle.

    Real growth/advancement on a creative scale is possible when version 2.0 comes out, not 1.1. You need to have a rebuild, in order that you can find the areas that the previous build was lacking, take time to evaluate which features were utilised, which weren't, which were liked, which weren't, and which are now unnecessary. This allows you to get deeper into your development and the thinking processes behind it, in order to foster expansion into new territories that is positive for the community, the game, and the business behind it.
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  20. Gavyne

    Having seen the amount of PS1 vets cheering on for empire specific launchers, and the number of up votes on them, I would say yes people asking for more of PS1 are indeed asking for more of PS1 weapons and items, not just game mechanics. It couldn't have been from the rest of us that never played Planetside 1, because I didn't even know what the heck empire specific launchers were about so I didn't vote on it. Now that I see what these empire specific launchers are about, I can already tell these are just terrible ideas to implement in a game like this. And to know that these launchers were even *more* powerful in PS1?! Whoa...

    Also just look at the amount of PS1 vets cheering on for orbital strikes. I think you're naive in thinking PS1 vets are only asking for more of PS1 mechanics and design. Quite the contrary, most PS1 vets on the forums are wanting a lot more than just mechanics copied from PS1.
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