stop playing heavies please

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by altonat, Nov 23, 2012.

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  1. altonat

    I'd take you up on this but I only play US west unfortunately what with my ISP not being the greatest. However, I'll keep this in mind if my teammates fail me in such a grandiose manner as they did earlier today. 6 tanks shooting from one side of a bridge, a whole **** ton of heavies on our side and they're more interested in long range shooting the enemy infantry with their LMGs. We get pushed in by the tanks and they take our base. And 2 more bases afterwards.
  2. crowley

    Please move your entire outfit over to VS. What is your outfit's tag in-game? PS or something?
  3. Vandali

    Join an outfit rather than rolling with the zerg is the answer to the OP's problem.
  4. DerpyHooves

    the main branch is there on waterson but we are not going anywhere lol :) and no mine one mattherson is PON3 the vanus on waterson is PONY.

  5. DerpyHooves

    what he described does sound like the typical zerg. an outfit would help you alot.
  6. DerpyHooves

    thankyou for the compliment ill be sure to revive you the next time i see you get your head blown off and ill laugh when you teamkill me because you couldnt stand being helped by me. Ill also supply the bullets for your gun via some ammo packs so have fun.
  7. DerpyHooves

    why should i say you would only troll and say i wasnt what i am. But i am serious about what i said. Nothing you can say or do will bother me the rest of my outfit is the same way. Funny thing is people join our squads and outfit and they have fun, even the wouldbe trolls do as well.
  8. Analord

    12 years old in all likely hood.
  9. DerpyHooves

    this thread really shouldnt be derailed for that.. lets take it up face to face i sent you the information for a friends mumble server feel free to join and say all you want there.
  10. Analord

    That's creepy.
  11. Fleabag

    They really need give us a forum option to increase the size of this :rolleyes: by a few thousand percent for remarks like this.

    Anyway, you start deliberately TKing any outfit me old mucker and you'll be banned so fast you won't have time to say "GMBre...". Oddly enough that's pretty much what any online games EULA's and TOS's call harassment.

    Me, I couldn't give a rats backside how someone sets up the theme of their outfit (so long as it isn't offensive, and last time I checked fictional cartoon ponies aren't) so long as they're playing for the betterment of their empire. Clearly something you don't get as you're prepared to TK people over it. o_O
    • Up x 1
  12. DerpyHooves

    funny you dont have the nerve to tell me to my face lol. and no I am not vanu scum. No one but murderers etc is scum and no one should be labled as such. If you really want to make a fool of yourself here go ahead. I wont be replying, ill be waiting for you to drop in on mumble. Now have a pleasant day.
  13. Fleabag

    So that's two threats to harass an entire outfit in one page of one thread. Keep digging! :confused:
  14. DerpyHooves

    i really think you should come talk to me on mumble. this is not the place for this conversation. It is kind of obvious you are just hateful considering you blindly make assumptions. alot of the TR i play with everyday from beta until know know who i am and what my group is. funny thing is I have not been tked once for it. and what fleabag said is true. Besides the numbers are on my side. 100+ members currently and more joining everyday vs 1 person. ya the odds are not in your favor m8.
  15. JoCool

    You know, from a practical POV indoors I consider the LA to be more dangerous. Outdoors, the combat medic has proven to win face to face fights with HAs any time of the day - premise that they were both equally certed. Accuracy (get in headshots spraying at range) and the ability to quickly heal and keep your brothers in arms fresh meets the best damage output. People just never consider that when deciding whether to go medic or HA.
    • Up x 1
  16. DerpyHooves

    a good point. i would choose medic over HA as due to my lag the support classes seem to be the only thing I am good at. I also think the OP would have alot more fun if he tried one of them.
  17. DerpyHooves

    well i would like you to state your promise to us either on mumble or our forums. if you want i can set up a time where most of us will be on.
  18. Fleabag

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