Stop hating on the Emerald VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Jul 9, 2014.

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  1. Baconite

    I have to congratulate Emerald VS for implementing the most powerful strategy that has worked since the days of Emerald NC on PS1, when they conquered all continents multiple(at least 3) times before TR/VS ever did:

    Breaking your enemy of the will to fight is a valid strategy.

    If NC/TR hate fighting VS so much, it plays right into the VS's slimy tentacles. They'll often find their frontlines are in their favor popwise because enough NC/TR would rather fight each other than the VS. NC/TR logging off because VS are frustrating to fight is another win for Vanu.

    It isn't going to get any better until NC/TR collectively improve; VS are in a prime position to continue farming certs and will do so until NC/TR make adjustments to counter it.
  2. individual


    Maybe DA and GOKU need to do another play NC weekend to win them a few alerts.
  3. Keldrath

    It's purely a numbers game. It has nothing to do with improving or superior tactics. You are just the Zerg.

    Emerald TR and NC aren't going to "improve" until they have more players.
  4. Dracorean

    Your the guy that keeps yelling that? If your apart of that GOKU group, you guys remind me of NC PHX, large force, obnoxious yell's, and zerg pushes. You guys make me miss fighting ZAPS, now those guys can give a good fight and they don't even need numbers to do it.
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  5. Jachim

    This, ladies and gents, is a classic example of the 'Just World fallacy'. Google it and open your eyes.
  6. Tommyp2006

    Not in a video game. No enemies willing to fight, no game.
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  7. Jachim

    You know, I'm sure on some level that's true, but if they want Emerald to have a decent population balance like ever, something drastic needs to change. Like splitting the server up again or offering free transfers.
  8. Juunro

    It's oh so very rarely a 'few', trust me on this. I run with extra ammo pouches for long term counter sniping, and most times you guys run me out of ammo. Until the one in thirty VS up there with a modicum of situational awareness picks up a rifle and actually tries to counter snipe me.

    As for stopping armor columns, congrats. Know what else stops pugger armor columns dead in their tracks in open terrain? Everyone with sufficient rocket spam.

    Most of your outfit is laughable garbage. NNG and AT can actually fight. ZAPS, and **** knows I hate those guys, makes you look like clowns.
  9. BaronVonVirtu

    So, since you're throwing out random accusations of incompetence without any particularly worthwhile example as of why, I'm going to comment on your signature instead since it seems more interesting to do at this point.

    "Take a guess which one of these characters was made when I had a computer that played this game at 20 fps on low settings, and which one was created after I built a PC that plays it at 60+ fps on Ultra settings.

    Hardware is skill."

    Using a team of highly qualified stats readers and a direct video feed to Ms Cleo, I have determined that certainly you must have been having hardware problems and not because you decided to develop an aversion to classes other than rifle sniping and MAX while outside of a HE tank on your new character.

    Also, as expected you don't actually have any GOKU on your top 100 killed list so I sense a distinct lack of farming going on here, Vasielli. Oh, and does a member of a solo outfit even really decide what outfits are/aren't contributing?
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  10. Keldrath

    The only thing I can think of is some nerfs to Vanu just to get the 4th factioning bandwagoners to jump ship.

    There's got to be something that's bringing everyone to that faction and making it imba as hell that can be nerfed.
  11. DG-MOD-17

    Going to go ahead and lock this for being non-constructive.
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