Stop hating on the Emerald VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Jul 9, 2014.

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  1. Zorro

    GOKU usually mops up the fights that other outfits like Azure Twilight start. Emerald VS would be much more likeable if some of us would act in a more respectable, educated manner, as our lore would suggest.
  2. Mangopizza

    Not very hard to win when you have people on your side with 9.74 KDR and many other questionable players.

    As for GOKU anyone who believes these guys are anything special is a tool. They would get the smack down from NNG by the way it appears based on raw numbers. And frankly it's easy to make yourself appear god like by fooling enough zerglings to help you tag everything but raw numbers tell it like it is.
  3. Juunro

    No, we've all been pretty much aware that GOKU is spammy trash forever. With TEST apparently mostly gone, someone had to be the new VS Matty version of The Enclave. All numbers with little individual capability backed by obnoxious but mildly competent leadership.

    It is effective against uncoordinated zergs, it's true. But I have personally broken the back of VS zergs with as few as two dedicated AP Vanguards before; once the PPA mags are all dead and the tower camp is effectively broken, more then half the time the VS melt away.
  4. JHz

    *sigh* I hate having to call people out on their BS, especially people from NNG because we are normally cool with you guys. BUT...


  5. BaronVonVirtu

    I have a hunch this person is not actually from NNG, but yeah .NNG do beat our outfit averages in accuracy so I'm hereby announcing an outfit initiative to become a PVE guild and shoot only enemy infantry terminals until our DA stats have successfully been brought up to par.
  6. Flamberge

    I actually like how epic the VS are playing on Emerald. It's good to get a healthy serving off butt-kicking so you don't get too full of yourself. Also, it challenges the leadership to come up with creative tactics to counter the enemy. That, and I actually enjoy gazing at the raw unstopability of certain VS outfits as they completely mop the floor with us without breaking a spandex sweat, and seeing how I could learn from them. Now, this does not mean that I like losing. No. However, every faction has their moment of butt-kicking, and when an opposing faction goes into butt-kick mode, that makes at least me fight harder, trying to learn from their tactics and strategy, so that when our moment of butt-kicking comes, we will kick butt like never before.

    Also, what's the fun of a combat game with easy opponents?
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  7. Lucerin_SolTech

    For every one time you have had positioning on a GOKU lancer nest and pulled off a few kills feeling awesome about your K/D, GOKU has stopped several entire armor columns. Let's not overestimate your self worth.
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  8. FillyFluttershy

    Can someone explain GOKU's name? It doesn't make sense that their motto seems to be GINYU FORCE RULES when their tag is GOKU seeing as in DBZ, Goku stomps all over the Ginyu Force. What gives?

    Plus I mean come on. Vanu doesn't seem like Goku's style. He doesn't even want a Scouter, bro. He would def side with TR or NC over VS.
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  9. Syggelekokle

  10. novicez

    please, give us more tears to fuel are PPA's. :D
  11. Mangopizza

    I'm NC and therefore no reason to rep in favor of any VU so.. Hate to break that to you GOKU queeny zergling self serving ego strokers out there.

    And the primary reason GOKU trash rises above the SPH (yet not the of NNC and some other VU is due to sheer member count. If you look at the points to member ratio you guys seriously get stomped. And you get an SPH boost simply paying for a monthly sub. So basically larger outfits can simply pay to win a bigger ego. Most of the top outfits however such as DA have easy to spot cheats so I wont even give them a lick of cred.

    Bottom line is VU is the primary choice of tweenies and queenies as real men don't wear spandex. ;)

    End of transmission..
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  12. Vanudrax

    Sigh. GOKU, the new AoD of the VS.
  13. dirtynub

    TR command chat : silence
    NC command chat: bickering and fighting
    VS command chat: outfits communicating and helping each other

    Obviously it's PPA spam
  14. Keldrath

    There's way too damn many of you, you are like cockroaches that just swarm everything. and you all have a huge hard on for sunderers so whenever a fight could happen, you end it before it can even begin.

    No one wants to fight you.
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  15. Gonkish

    #gokukillsanotherfight #culturewar #BuffTheCARV #KVdid620 #MeetTheLancer #PHXstandsforcertphilantropistexpedition #BuzzWasRight
  16. XDDante

    i reckon the Emerald VS for their skill,however the 12 year old spamming "GINYU FORCE RULES" without bragging right is something i cannot stand...
  17. Lucerin_SolTech

    Not sure if serious.
  18. Lucerin_SolTech

    The only statistic AOD even makes the chart on is active players.
  19. Liquidrider

    Can a mod just lock this thread, there is so many hate responses its causing a planetside 2 nosebleed.
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  20. vincent-

    Most of no dice left for other games or up and disappeared I know were not super big but we had bite. Last time on waterson I didn't see much in the squad tab for platoons or squads now with the merger I see a huge list.
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