Stop farming!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZenitHMaster, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. ZenitHMaster

    I am all too tired of seeing players posting their stats, showing off their kills. That is not the part that bothers me...

    What does bother me is that the players all have 10000 base defends to their name and only around 500 total captures (ok, I am probably exaggerating this)...

    What do you guys think we can do to encourage playing the objectives more? I know its preference, but I am sure you can agree we cant encourage stagnant fights like this.

    You see it every time there is an alert. The one base on the continent, contested for the entire duration of the alert. It is never captured, and the "smarter" players let the fight go on, while all the other bases are taken.
  2. Ronin Oni

    I dunno about other players but my cap % is particularly low because I LEAVE once the fight is over.... so I don't get a cap.

    I hate spawn camping. It's boring and unrewarding and sitting there for 5 minutes with a thumb up the bum isn't worth the meager cap XP.

    Also, winning alerts is mostly a dry boring game of redeploy management. I'd rather just settle into a good slugfest thank you very much. Jumping around the map fighting for 10% of the time just isn't what I'm looking for.
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  3. NoctD

    Until they actually make territory control something objectively better than not having it - people will continue farming.

    Fix the broken meta - and you'll fix the senseless farming too.
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  4. FateJH

    So you're saying "don't defend?"

    (My CDR is 0.759 - 3,044 / 4,009 - though not by choice. Some bases are just near impossible to keep secure.)
  5. Rogueghost

    I tend to leave a fight once the zerg shows up, no sense in sitting around wasting time for the flip.
  6. Redshift

    You can only cap a base once, you can defend it several times in one fight...
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  7. MotionBlured

    Where are all these people posting stats and showing off? Stat hardly ever come up, and usually in an attempt to argue balance.
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  8. BlueSkies

    You didn't notice the OP's sig... where he has his stats posted... :rolleyes:
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  9. I play by many names

    People farm because that is the only meaningful content in the game after 2 years. If you want people to have something to do besides farm, then make territory control matter. Make resources matter. Eliminated vehicle and consumable spamability. Remove redeployside and make tactical and strategic transportation important. Make a game were good fights can and do frequently happen rather than just vehicle spammed zerg steam rollers. The farmer mentality isn't a problem in its own. Its a symptom of the massive problems the game has.
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  10. MotionBlured

    I don't pay attention to that stuff, so....
  11. Crator

    Fix = Base Power (resources) that diminishes. Part of resource revamp.

    Others in the thread made a good point too. If you leave the base before it is capture you don't get credit. That is dumb if you ask me. As long as you contributed to the fight I don't see why they shouldn't give you XP and a +1 on your capture stat, even if you decided to leave and not wait for the timer to complete. It could even be variable gained XP. Meaning, the more you contribute the more XP you get once the base is captured. Contribution should be weighed against amount of kills for both XP and capture stat.
  12. Linedan

    Suppose there's a fight going on at a base and the point switches back and forth four times before the attackers are finally pushed out. That counts as four defenses. Also, Redeployside(tm) means that reinforcements are going to spawn in on defense more than offense.
  13. FBVanu

    I hardly get close enough to get base points.. they are so small, why bother?

    said this before,.. there is no such thing as farming.

    I have to shoot at the enemy that is trying to destroy our Sundy.. and if they keep coming out of one particular corner, or door, or floating over a wall... .then that is the point I need to shower with cover fire...

    I have to protect our guys capping a point.. and if the enemy keeps coming out of a particular building or room, trying to kill my friendlies.. then that is the building I need to shower with cover fire...

    There is no other choice, well, other than watching the enemy kill my friendlies.. and just sitting in my tank and waving at them..
    So, no, I don't have a choice, I will shoot the enemy where I see them, and if they all come out of one room, then that is the room I will shoot them in, or at, or whatever...

    It's not farming. It's the object of the game. You have to kill the enemy to make them die, give up, leave, whatever, so that our players can capture the base... That's not farming... that's playing the game.
  14. dezusa

    Thanks to SoE, theres no real need to actually cap a base since there wont be much of a difference in resource gains, so I'd just farm/killspam people and not give a Higby about the objective points.
    The only real reason to attack/defend a base would be the tech plants for our MBTs, and if the base has a good layout / design. other than that, SoE pretty much removed anything useful to get more bases. And they call it an 'improvement in meta'

    The nanites patch is pretty much a bait for us to buy more resource boosts from them.
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  15. GhostAvatar

    Couple of things here as to why not to focus on those stats. Firstly base defense are given when the timer resets to zero. So you can get multiple base defense in a single fight, but only one base cap when attacking. Not to mention you can get multiple base defense and still lose the base, as you fend off the initial wave of enemies until the entire zerg shows up.

    Additionally, not everyone is interested in waiting around for a base cap. They find spawn camping to be boring or sitting around with the SCU down and just don't require the XP from the cap. So once the fight is essentially over, regardless of if the base has been capped fully, they move on to the next fight.
  16. SerasVic

    Loading Queen:

    Don't stop me noooooow !!

  17. Klypto

    We need more base fights that last longer than 10 minutes minimum. Very tired of the super fast cap bases.
  18. axiom537

    How much attacking or defending can DEAD enemies do, while they are waiting to respawn? ZERO, NONE, ZILCH... Those farmers are suppressing the enemy, they are keeping them from reaching their objective, which in turn helps their side reach their objectives.

    I'm going to play devils advocate and say they are doing just as much if not more in helping their side win, because a small number of farmers are suppressing a much larger opposing force, which in turn makes it easier for their allies, since they are facing less enemies...
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  19. MarkAntony

    No. I can't actually. Big, even fights that go back and forth in one base or in between 2 bases are where I have the most fun.

    And there is nothing wrong with defending.
    I agree 100% with this.
  20. Copasetic

    I'm getting flashbacks to PS1, leaders yelling at people to leave interfarms and being told to ****.

    Some people just like to farm, there's no sense getting upset about it. Even after the resource revamp and the territory revamp and the super tactical strategic content that's going to magically fix everything... some people will still choose to ignore all that and farm. The only thing we can hope to do is incorporate that play style into the game in a way that everyone can live with.

    Look at it this way, it takes two to farm. Those guys are keeping each other busy so you can go about your tactical play unhindered.