Ok, so medics heal and revive in our space game. In many other games healers also bring buffs and utility. I wanted to add another buff to the game. Suggestion; Stimulant grenades. Intended purpose helps team close gaps on choke points similar to league of legends righteous glory it would be handing a speed buff to allow one team to initiate on the other. The speed buff would be the equivalent of adrenaline pump on all of those in the area. Maybe a more custom value should be used? It would stack with adrenaline pump(multiplicative) probably if it didn't show to be game breaking on PTS. It would not effect vehicles.
Simulant Grenade. Targets affected by it suddenly exhibit symptoms of various illnesses, but results of medical examination show no probable causes.
Your real funny iridar. On topic this thread is finding viable reasonable buffs that a medic may distribute.