Still investigating hitches - here's how you can help

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. Bequ

    Have them too. Started happening when PU2 hit the game.
    They also occure on PTS while playing on pretty much empty continent doing dogfights.
    Noticed them first when PU2 hit the PTS and it followed to LIVE with the patch after.
    Ingame name: Bequ
  2. MrEclectic

    Ingame name: MrEclectic
  3. AuntLou42

    Yep I had a hitch free month or so about a couple months ago but yeah have had it otherwise.

    IGN: Louey
  4. SmC12

    The hitching seems to be occuring less often for me recently, since around last week. However, it does still happen, usually after a long period of playing. Also, sometimes if I quit the game my entire system is sluggish and feels locked up for a few seconds. Looking at hardware monitors I see that Planetside 2 uses a lot of my RAM. If I quit during extreme hitching I often see about 80% RAM usage (I have 8GB). I saw it mentioned that this may be a memory management issue, and my RAM and system behaviour would definately indicate that. The UseFences=0 suggestion did not make a noticeable difference.

    Character Name: SmC12

    Server: Cobalt
    • Up x 1
  5. MiSo1289

    Doesn't happen that often, and it's mostly when I'm in a mosquito.
  6. Gimpylung

    Yeah, happening to me, although it seems less frequent lately.

    Gimpylung of Miller
  7. Larington

    ISKLarington on Miller. Probably worth noting I've changed PC builds in the last week and it occurs on both the old & new computer builds (The new one has a 6 core processor and I still notice the little hitches in rendering). I'm also switching out a GT 640 and moving up to a GTX 750 Ti as soon as it arrives (Hopefully tomorrow) as I've realised that the GT 640 is having overheating issues even at lower graphics settings.
  8. Flyaxl

    im getting those randomly and got very long one (2 or 3 sec) in biolabs mostly

    player name: Flyaxl (Ceres)
  9. Kaizer

    I swear this bug is a conspiracy because it always occurs at the right time. Please, kill it with fire already.

    Game Name: HopeYouLikeLasers
  10. BITES

    I'm also someone who gets hitches or horror .... great fun when flying nape of the earth of trying bash someones coconut in.

    Ingame name : BITES
  11. BlueDevilManiac

    Server: Miller
    Character: Redflam
  12. Mastachief


    Happening since the ESF update

    0 fences
    Reverted the nvidia drivers back
    Clean install
    Different SSD
    Stock clock
    Under clock
    Over clock
    • Up x 1
  13. TownCryer8

    Happens not game breakingly often but usually in the worst of times.

    Name: TownCryer8
  14. Lazaruz

    Since I've been getting these the past couple of weeks, you can add me to the pile...

    Character name: BadassPreacher
  15. Red Ketchup

    SierraYankee, Mattherson
    I only play for 30-45 minutes at a time but that's enough to notice a couple hitches.
  16. TwentyFirstPilot

    I'm getting this issue every once in a while. I'm usually fine for an hour, then my game hitches and reverts to normal several times over the course of fifteen minutes.

    My character name is TwentyFirstPilot
  17. Kaczanus

    Still having mini freezes every 10-20 min. Mostly in big fights.
    Name: Slimsi
  18. DemonJnr

    I'm getting this hitch at random and haven't been able to reproduce the circumstances it occurs.

    In game name: DemonSnr

    Thanks Higby
  19. Shezo

    I do have hitches (sudden drop of fps from 30-40 to 15-20 if to be precise), only happens in relatively big battles, but fps drops do not connected with stuff rendering on the screen (i can run through empty building and get a hitch)

    Name : Shezoth.
  20. Leonard McCoy

    I'm hitching as if there's no tomorrow in my ESF and on the ground since that recent patch whenever there's a larger engagement.

    In-game characters:

    [XOO] LadyAzami | [YEL0] Jhoira | [SIut] MsChandra | [S0P] LadyAzamiCNY | [G01D] JhoiraCNY
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