Stealth patch again? For what?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arquin, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Arquin

    Checking game installation...
    Found 7 file(s) to update.
    Patching Resources/Assets/Assets_021.pack
    Patching Resources/Assets/Assets_059.pack
    Patching Resources/Assets/Assets_101.pack
    Patching Resources/Assets/Assets_139.pack
    Patching Resources/Assets/Assets_214.pack
    Patching Resources/Assets/Assets_251.pack
    Replacing PlanetSide2.exe
    Finished downloading 40,396,185 bytes in 13.361 seconds (3,023,440 bytes per second)
    Saved 186,042,518 bytes with delta patches

    Any guesses? :eek:
  2. P4NJ

    Some people reported that they managed to increase their framerates so they had to fix that to keep the average FPS bellow 15. They've also fixed the rendering issue where sometimes people would render beyond 50m.
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  3. nella

    Just an item added to the store. 2000 Certification points, at the price of 1000SC. :eek:
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  4. Arquin

    Hmm. Nice. That means I can buy 14000 certs!
  5. ChaosRender

    Wow bitter people, I think you guys need so time away from the game.

    Also Stealth Patch!! :eek:
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  6. UrMom306

  7. LonelyTerran

  8. RomulusX

  9. Hatamoto

    I think the game needs some time away from the devs
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  10. Xind


    I would suspect they may be fixing the inability to hot drop MAXs bug?

    I'm worried they're gonna disable :eek:
  11. siiix

    LOL you scared the crap out of me :)
  12. ChaosRender

    why? because of the cert grant?
  13. Jeslis

    Yea.. wish they'd release some info on what we're downloading...
  14. Morpholine

    Stealth patch?

  15. Bill Hicks

    stealth patch notes
    * patch notes are 25% stealthier
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  16. GraphicJ


    i need glasses -_-
  17. Hatamoto

    Because its SOE
  18. ChaosRender

    They have a better F2P game that i have seen before, and better that some of the ones i have paid for so i cant complain.

  19. pnkdth

    I have glasses and it is still blurry! :eek:
  20. Mythicrose12

    Bad sign that the image is clear for me when I take off my glasses...

    also, :eek:
  21. Barosar

    I speculate that they slightly tweaked their protocol on how they format game update packet destined to clients. Flushed out a bunch of cheaters whose cheat programs relied on the older protocol.

    I infer this from a tweet from Smedley.