Stealth nerf to Carv and Carv-S

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Manhattan, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Destructomonkey

    I dont know wth happened but i felt something strange too
    its like the TTK got jacked up something fierce

    I got frustrated in a base defense after i got killed one too many times and on a whim switched to theTMG-50 with absolutely nothing certed into it.

    My KDR quadrupled immediately with just ironsights...
  2. Lukor

  3. Steakbeard

    One thing that may have occurred and I wonder if this is the case, you didn't get slapped with a little extra horizontal recoil, but perhaps the entire amount.

    I. E. The carv was perhaps not effectively deriving its true horizontal recoil from the game files and they fixed it. I have noticed a distinct lack of kills from miles away from the Carv, which as an NC I'm very happy about.
  4. MrK

    I don't know for you, but since patch, I notice far more lag issues and hitreg issues than before. Add slight changes on your weapon in the mix, that may explain the extreme change you are feeling
  5. MaxDamage

    CARV-S definitely not up to scratch. It's broke afaic.
  6. Doogle

    The additional horizontal recoil was probably made to reduce the carvs ability to head-shot multiple opponents at range with the 100 shots as well as being a good CQC weapon.

    I dont mind so much I can still achieve the same thing with the T16 for outdoor (outclassed by the default gauss saw at this role sadly for TR) and use my carv for close base fights like biolabs.

    Although I am baffled as to why the Orion went untouched, that thing is a beefed up assault rifle for the HA class its silly, it gets a 0.75 ads movment which is rare even for assault rifles. it also has better stats than the pre nerfed carv in terms of accuracy,firepower,recoil and bullet speed. you would think this would be balanced by its 50 round clip but it has a very fast reload for an LMG (same speed as the T1 cycler which is an AR)

    Although I am also confused as to why they just didnt just add minor buffs to the EM1 or GD-22s and make it the default NC starter weapon for HA since starting NC with the guass saw is like starting the TR with the T16.

    stats for refernce
  7. Kyutaru

    The only thing keeping the Orion down is the natural VS damage falloff. It's a CQC weapon. What damage falloff?
  8. Doogle

    Its not a CQC weapon the damage falloff is still very good.

    If you look at the stats NC & TR weapons reach min bullet damage at 75m, the reason VS weapons damage continue to drop is because they have little to no bullet drop so the VS weapons would be insane if they did not reduce the damage beyond 75m.
  9. Kyutaru

    First, the Orion has the best overall accuracy, mobility advantage, and highest rate of fire for maximum dps of any of the VS weapons, it is most definitely the CQC weapon. The 50 round clip is even comparable to other factional CQC weapons. The only gun that even comes close is the SVA-88 which has better hipfire accuracy, worse ADS, worse overall mobility, and fires slower. It also has a 6x scope... yeah... think about that one.

    I'm well aware of why the VS have damage falloff, my point was that in CQC, damage falloff becomes irrelevant. You're close enough that it simply never triggers. So by indicating that the Orion is a CQC weapon while adhering to the facts listed above my post pertaining to its overall superiority in accuracy and carnage, with a clip size comparable to other CQC weapons while being faster at reloading, the one drawback it's supposed to share with the VS faction in counterbalancing the awesome stats doesn't really seem like much now does it?

    This is why the Orion is so awesome, and why I cringe when people complain about it.
  10. Quor

    Agreed. Not to mention if you reload with the Orion before it's empty it has a sub-2s reload time. That's pretty damn amazing for a weapon classed as an LMG.
  11. Doogle

    Sorry seems to have been a misunderstanding when I say the Orion is not a CQC weapon I ment that its good at long range too, as stated in my earlier post the weapon does seem out of wack in comparison to not only the other LMGs but it is also Assault rifles which imo shouldnt be the case, LMGs should be for sustained fire and multiple enemies, ARs should be for 1on1 or maybe 1on2 precision weapon, the orion does both of these with little to no drawback because a 50 round clip isnt a drawback when you have a 2.8 second quick reload.

    Although I do like that the Orion is halfway between an LMG and AR because it fits the VS as a technology faction, my suggestions to bring it in line would be to move the 0.75 ads movement speed down to 0.50 and increase the reload speed to around 3.4 or 3.8 seconds.

    I dont have much issues with its accuracy because unlike the pre-nerf carv, the 50 round clip prevents a VS HA from mowing down a whole squad you get the drop on.
  12. Lukor

    So much wrong information and/or blatant propaganda in this thread.
    Also: Some blatant overreaction to minor statistical differences. The Orion is very well balanced to the Carv considering it literally has HALF the clip size. If you dont think 100rounds is an advantage go play with 50 for a couple hours.
  13. Kyutaru

    As far as I know, the Orion is less accurate than every assault rifle except the NC's Reaper. In this game, LMGs are lethal in general, the assault rifles are more accurate. You can beat an LMG user, you just need to aim for the head and use your accuracy to your advantage. Heck if you really want a gun that just outmuscles the Orion, the Cycler TRV has the fastest kill time in the game for automatics, and it's an assault rifle. The reason an AR will still die to the Orion is because it's a heavy weapon and you're not a heavy if you're using an assault rifle. Heavies have better defenses.

    Precision is the natural VS advantage, all their guns have aimbot hacks good accuracy.
  14. Quor

    Ok, let me put it this way: after the 7s+ reload time of the SAW, the Orion "feels" like it's less than two seconds.