Stats for pump action shotguns

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RF404, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. RF404

    Will the pump action shotguns have identical stats between the factions or will they follow the specific traits of each faction?

    Place your bets here!
  2. Sinoby

    I guess they will be pretty much identical, only VS will have 0 bullet drop on slugs.
  3. StormStrafe

    I think the pump-action shotguns will have practically no difference between them across the factions.

    Also, I hope what they meant by "increased stopping power" is that they have an increased effective range (less damage drop off and tighter spread). Though it doesn't sound like it.

    What I'm guessing is that the pump-action shotguns will have more shot (pellets) per shell than the semi-auto and full-auto shotguns.
  4. Zaik

    I seriously doubt they'll be different, any weapon that kills as fast as a shotgun is going to have to be cloned on all three factions or the tears will never stop.

    Hell, look at MAXes. Scattercannons are garbage at 6m but the tears are still unending.
    • Up x 1
  5. RF404

    Is the NC post combo a just coinkydinky or is it because us "Yee-haws" really like to talk about our shotties?
  6. StormStrafe

    I absolutely love real life shotguns (which have a much further effective range, especially with a modified choke, than what I've seen in any video game). So yes, yee-haw.
  7. Sheherazade

    They would actually bother to add the bulletdrop stats to shotgun? A weapon that turns useless after 15 meters? xD
  8. WalrusJones

    I really wonder how damaging their SLUGS will be.

    Having a scoreless sniper is appealing to my personal aesthetic.

    My absurdest ideas:
    Nc: Tight spread, absurd damage per pellet and pellet velocity, low pellet count. Like Payday the heists rienbeck: Good for causing collateral kills at range on wounded targets, instant kills at CQC.
    Tr: Loose spread, faster pumping, lower damage per shot. LOTS of weak pellets wounding everything.
    Vs: Being gimped by their gimmick being somewhat useless on shotguns/being a small localized explosion in front of you instead of firing shot at all.
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  9. TheRev

    Useless unless you are VS and using slugs:confused:
  10. Sinoby

    For _SLUGS_, obviously nobody cares about buckshot. But zero bullet drop automatic sniper rifle (VS auto shotty) is pretty powerful. I don't know what new shotguns will be though.
  11. Sheherazade

    You act like the VS shotgun could take out people at 50-200 meters without problems...which it cant....its just as useless on mid and long range as others o_O
  12. RF404

  13. Phazaar

  14. MrEclectic

  15. RF404

    Oh, you know; it's just the usual mid day forum dwelling, in search of tears and heated discussions.
  16. DrTeeth

    Oh jeez.. 1430 damage if all 10 pellets hit the chest, firing twice per second. You only need 7 pellets to kill someone without Nanoweave, 8 with 5/5 Nanoweave, and that's with no pellets hitting the head. I think the firemodes are 39101, 40101, 41101. If that's the case then we're looking at a 3 degree spread angle too! I think these guns are going to be a flat-out upgrade, unless they are denied the extended mag attachment.
  17. Flukeman62

    so the VS get the scatter gun from Jak 2?
  18. Bill Hicks

    for a second you almost made me wanna go do counterfeit just for fun.
  19. KukKung

    i just trialed the new pump action for the TR and it rocks hands down this thing will own.

    5 round with 25 ammo pool

    tested this at the ti alloys and bio lab next to it, and this will at close ranges "ONE HIT KILL" body shots, no need to aim at the head, no need to waste ammo, point blank range one shot, one hit kill, i took down some low lvl maxes with one clip.

    if anyone knows the actual stats and how much damage i would love to know, but i plan on buying this. not a big fan of the pump action and slower rate of fire as it tends to get you killed a little quicker when storming a room full enemies. maybe i just have to get used to it as i ran mostly with the full auto nighthawk.
  20. ladiesop

    143 x 10 damage if all 10 pellets hit, I assume the same 1.5 modifier for headshots. Refire is half a second, and reload time is proportional to how many shots you have fired in a magazine. 0.5s per shell short, or 0.7s per shell long.

    Don't know the damage value on slugs.