[Suggestion] Starting Rocket Sight Change?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Krystal2009, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Krystal2009

    I fight for Vanu and with the S1 Rockets (I haven't played the other factions to see theirs) but the S1 has a lobbed trajectory which just goes to puzzle me is why the iron sights? I mean they are very impractical as far as I can tell because the rocket will go down as it flies and without ADS you wont hit the broad side of a barn. And from a "Realism" standpoint this makes no sense either as a complaint like this would have most likely come up during the development and a change would have been made. So a change to make this launcher is change from iron site to a sight more commonly found on grenade launchers. where you can help judge it better based of markers on the site rather than fire and pray. Now you still will need to lead your target but it would serve more of a purpose than just being a throw-away to the back of the arsenal.

    Example Sight from a grenade launcher:

    And those why play TR or NC please give your idea if your starter rocket suffers a similar issue. And yes I know its a Starter Weapon and your supposed to swap it out but then I ask why is something that has little to no use still in the game rather than giving players a more decent one off the bat that is in some way practical?
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  2. _itg

    Even sillier is the fact that the iron sight is on top of the rocket launcher. Unless you have unusually flexible eye stalks, there's no way you can actually look through an optic way up there.

    Let me also point out that starter weapons in this game aren't supposed to be worse than the ones you can buy. In fact, many default weapons are the best in their class. Rocket launchers are kind of an exception, though, since the G2A launcher is a virtual straight upgrade to it. Note that this is equally the case for all factions.
  3. DoomFruit

    We don't even need a ladder sight. Just a horizontal pin coming off the side is enough. All we need is a clear field of view below the iron sights.
  4. MahouFairy

    Damn it, why can't they make the rockets actually travel straight?
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  5. KnightCole

    Because QQ Rocket primary?
  6. Korban

    They did! Apparently a lot of players cried about it around "Open Beta".
  7. MahouFairy

    Omg I've played Red Crucible on FB and no one complains about straight flying rockets... The complaints are exactly what is bringing the game down. Rockets travel so slowly anyway, and it shouldn't be difficult to dodge them from a distance.
  8. Apples

    If you dislike the S1's iron sight go hop on a TR/NC alt and go into VR and try dealing with their's. The ironsights for the TR/NC aren't offset properly so at medium range you have to aim so high that you can't even see the target anymore. Where as with the S1 I can still see the target to aim properly. It's a huge disadvantage that turns estimation into complete guesswork in many situations.
  9. Skiptrace

    I think a solution to this problem would be the ability to add a different 1x and maybe even up to a 4x sight on the Dumb Fire Rocket Launchers.
  10. Khallixtus

    Adding different scopes, even being able to cert different types, would be a fine idea, but I dont know if it will happen.

    I just use my dumbfire in situations where its hard not to miss, as in 15 metres or less, and the target is close enough to see when scoping around the edge of the end of my rocket launcher.

    And flat flying rockets is silly. Too many people using rockets as new primary, and people will just start sniping with them. It will also harm ground lock rockets in long range, where dumbfire is too hard to aim, but a lock on can get it just fine. It would cause ground locks to only be useful for fast moving enemies.
  11. CNR4806

    Speaking of G2A, why not just switch the dumbfire iron sight to a scope like the lockons, just without the ability to lock? I bet it would work quite well with less effort involved.
  12. Apples

    The NC's AA Lock-on RL is actually bugged, it doesn't dumbfire. This is why you rarely see it being used compared to its counterparts. Currently if you try to dumbfire the NC AA RL it fires about 3-4 meters out then turns 90 degrees straight up and explodes about 15m above the user.
  13. _itg

    Uhh... you completely made up about half of that. I believe the bug you're referring to is a bug with ESF flares, which sometimes causes dumbfired G2A lock-ons to go crazy like that, but it's not NC-specific. NC players use their G2A lock-on every bit as often as the other factions.
  14. Onhil

    Perfect example of NC's tech.

    But that is definitly something that should get fixed even though it sounds hilarious to look at
  15. Apples

    Maybe you miss-read what I was saying. I have not used the VS's AA lock-on launcher however I have used the TR and the NC's. When I use the TR's AA Lock on launcher and dumbfire it, it fires just like any dumbfire launcher. However if I take the NC's AA lock on launcher which shares the exact same stats as the TR's and try to dumbfire it, it shoots a few meters out then flies straight up and explodes. Go ahead and try it you'll experience this:
  16. _itg

    I dumbfire the Hawk regularly, and I can only think of one time where it did that. If you're experiencing this on a consistent basis, I can't explain that. I'd suggest trying it in VR to eliminate any outside variables.
  17. Apples

    Got me laughing here, the VR variant is bugged, it only dumbfires and wont lock on to anything.
  18. _itg

    Hehe, right, forgot about that. Well, at least it doesn't fly straight up and exlpode, right? Try at the warpgate, maybe.
  19. Valthis

    The VR will lockon you just have to go down to the "ground" first.
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