Squad Leaders, use Beacons!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrankTHEKoolaid, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. DrankTHEKoolaid

    TLDW version : Use Beacons even if sunderers or other spawns are available!!

    But if you wanna watch it's showing off some easy kills made possible by using the Beacon. Also wanted to make sure people even knew these exist. I do run into people that don't every day. Thanks!

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  2. TerroDragon23

    Why not Bacon....i like Bacon
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  3. Morpholine

    We loves our squid bacons.
  4. Kracin

    i like OP.

    i dislike every single other squad leader i hav eever seen. they REFUSE to drop a spawn beacon and it causes bases to be lost.

    the sunderer will go down due to a suicide rush, and then wham, no spawn.... when he could hav eEASILY hidden a spawn beacon somewhere around the base and had reinforcements in quickly... instead... we are all going "hey drop a beacon" and he says "i never certed it....." aAGHGHGHGHG
  5. Vanuub

    You answered yourself there. Most don't cert it and plenty 'leaders' have become so by default because the original leader logged out, etc.

    I have every squad cert except the smoke, which is quite pointless giving the viewdistance and rapidly changing tactical situation.
    Mostly the beacon does not shift anything at, due to the long spawn cooldown on (re)deploying at it. It can be ok from time to time, specially to redeploy infantry quickly to the leader, but not much beyond that.
    Basically that is what it is intended for. A deployable hotspot generator for your squad/platoon that they can drop on.
  6. Roklut

    Beacons are nice in concept, but since I cannot spawn on beacons for another month they sort of lose purpose for me.

  7. Cirevam

    My squad leader calls it squad bacon and as an engineer I have my explosive pancakes. One of our favourite strategies is for him to drop some bacon, mark a target (usually a sunderer), then I hotdrop onto the target and deploy my pancakes. Bacon and pancakes... delicious death.

    Since I was declared second-in-command for the squad I should probably cert into the beacon soon. It's very useful.
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  8. Monnor

    Everytime i see one, i destroy it.
  9. Morpholine

    The strength of smoke is that the other squads in your platoon can see the marker, unlike the other tools.

    I mostly use if for identifying enemy Spawnderers if I'm somewhat separated from the rest of my outfit.
  10. DrankTHEKoolaid

    Lol what?
  11. KukKung

    so im trying to figure out, do you have to be an actual squad leader to use the beacons, or just in a squad?
  12. KraggTheGrim

    I guess i know what i will spec next ;)
  13. Recce

    Beacons are bugged for me too.
  14. GamerOS

    You have to be a squad leader to use and deploy them.

    They used to be in the utility slot (and everyone could place one) but that lead to 100+ beams of light into the sky during large fights.
  15. Vanuub

    Squad leader. That applies for everything in that cert-tree.
  16. t31os

    Yes, more bacons please!
  17. KukKung

    anyone know the specifics about the squad beacon for certing? all it says is reduce time,

    1/ how long is the wait time before being able to drop pod in on a beacon is 15mins?
    2/ every cert lever how much time is reduced off it?
  18. TheEvilBlight

    At some point they should just make it a universal and allow everyone to cert a beacon, but only map it so that squad members can access it (making it a "Squad Beacon") instead of a "Squad Leader's Beacon".

    Of course, it would make battles immensely difficult since you would have to root out potentially dozens of beacons...
  19. TintaBux

    How do I get the beacon? I know squad leader ,but where is it in the shop to buy so I can use one when squad leader?
  20. Lodeclaw

    But... I always place my beacon when I'm a squad leader!