Spring Sale Cash-Grab

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. vulkkan

    The difference is SOE sells virtual items; you gave examples of physical items. Physical items have a cost to design and produce. Virtual items only cost money to design. Additionally, take a peek at the Apple app store. The top apps rarely cost more than $1-3, I don't ever remember seeing a $7 app topping the chart. I have tons of friends who use iPhones and the majority of their apps are either free or $1-3. Nobody buys lots of $7 apps. SOE sells lots of $7 items, but not many people buy them. Most of the players I introduced to Planetside cited the in-store prices as being ridiculously high. I do agree that sales are important, but it's not going to help much in a system where the overpriced items are already virtual and of fairly low quality(notice most guns are cut and pasted together, and camos are easy to produce.) Overpriced items work in real life because companies (such as Urban Outfitters, Tiffany, Apple hardware etc.) actually produce quality items that are worth their price and last for a very long time. Overpriced items in PS2 dont work because they are cheap in every meaning except price and are of arbitrary value and use.

    Oh and when was the last time you bought a $7 banana?
  2. MorganM

    The limited time offer pressures you into making a decision about it more quickly and hopefully results in a purchase that would otherwise had been delayed or forgotten. It's simple marketing that lots of companies engage in. Get over it already.
  3. Tobax

    You do realise don't you that heroic boosts were a good idea so people didn't have to buy each 7 days, member bonus only increased for passive cert gain, every weapon has been on daily sale at some point and most multiple times by now and most new weapons have been what people were asking for.

    If you were being serious you really read far too much into nothing.
  4. Pivke

    its all good with these limited offers and new items coming to the store. i dont complain...

    can we get some d.a.m.n 2x/3x SC day already??? i want to spend my money!
  5. EvilKoala

    This. Also, they pushed back pretty much everything on the roadmap. Sounds like their team got downsized.
  6. Cowabunga

    Love the idea of limited edition cosmetics. I wish they'd remove the old ones after some time. So people look different and new players can see who have been playing for a long time ect.
  7. S1eB

    I hope there is a sale on Boosts and Weapons, helmets and decals are not my thing. Would be nice to see the Membership packages on sale as well.
  8. irishroy

  9. Shasbot

    Nothing wrong with LE cosmetics, mate. F2P been doing this back when only asian games did F2P. New stuff usually looks better than old stuff anyway. This way the old stuff gets removed after a while.
  10. NightmareP69

    Aaaand the VS stuff as usual looks compleatly the same as the older helmets
    I wonder if the PS2 devs will ever make the VS aesthetic design look good.
  11. Zenith

    As long as the game stays open, who the hell really cares? More sales I say! :D
  12. Raap

    It's probably the tank designs we've seen in the past, which looked pretty good in most cases actually. A limited time sale would be nice, but a limited time availability, not so.
  13. Punishment

    And once again the VS get unoriginal bad looking helmets...

    Heck the LA looks like an infiltrator and the theres nothing diffrent between the infiltrator one and the stock one , only a couple of lines.

    Whats up with the hate against Vanu SOE? All our weapons already look exactly the same , and soon all our helmets do.

    What does your VS art designer do all day? drink coffee and draw a couple of lines on existing helmets?
  14. DemoEvolved

    Time-limited breeds exclusivity.
    Exclusivity breeds identity.
    Identity breeds self-expression.
    Self-expression has intrinsic value.
    Value creates purchases.