Spitfire turret

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ezaroo, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. ezaroo

    First a question, does sensor shield 2 stop these things shooting you? If yes ignore the rest, I can confirm sensor shield one does not stop it.

    Now before people go mental, this is not a "spitfire op" thread, they are anything but.

    However if I have taken the time and effort to position myself in a tree and some person places one of these within 50 m of me they shouldn't get an uncounterable way to spot me.

    If a player wouldn't see you then these turrets shouldn't be doing that job, now that is impossible so a fair compromise should be sensor shield implants shielding you from their sensors, no?

    And I've sat in trees around this game in huge battles, of both enemy factions and ran out of ammo with maxed ammo belt without getting spotted. These turrets spot you the first time your cloak drops and then everything shoots at you. These are the end of stealth...
  2. Bitmap

    No idea about the higher sensor shields but in that situation, couldn't you just EMP it and kill the turret? Make the thing that auto spots you the priority target.
  3. OldMaster80

    Did anyone try the Decoy Grenades against the spitfire? Is it possible to make the turret fire against enemies?
  4. ezaroo

    It is possible to use a decoy to get it to shoot people and yes emping and killing works but the issue is you can kill a max of 4 that way. Also that assumes you see it before it sees you, like if someone places it after you have been there awhile.
  5. Leivve

    It will shoot the grenade, but only if it targets it first. So if you run in head first, you can't use it to save you.

    Just cloak. Even if it locks on to you, if you cloak it will immediately stop. Plus they are very weak. 3 sniper rounds or so will pop it, or just dump half a mag. And since it takes a moment for it to actually start shooting you can just play peek-a-boo with it easily.