Does it need love? I'd like to see if having it charge up automatically when drawn and uncloaked would make it any better. Allowing you to run with it drawn and charging. Otherwise maybe a ROF increase to the double taps? It seems like it would be a fun pistol, but not in it's current state.
I would agree if it were still like it was on PTS but now the only thing I (might) suggest, is maybe a slightly quicker refire rate, I'd have to see how effective it is in battle.
Stop with the duplicate threads for Gods sake. Not everyone needs to express their opinion in their own thread. Unless its a fresh idea of a new(ish) topic, don't make a new thread.
The main problem is that you can fire 2 double burst fires 10 times faster than charging up to fire 4 shots. The charge up mechanic is not viable at all for a secondary.
Its currently the absolute worst weapon in the game. Take it back and give us beamerstorm, TR got their version of beamerstorm so why cant we? OR increase fire rate and have the charge up on a alternate fire mode and that alternate fire mode should be a single high dmg projectile that can hit targets in medium range (2 body hits required, 1 HS leaves infantry at 30% hp ish) and do light vehicle dmg somewhere near fury dmg but obviously lower dps. Feel free to revamp all our other pistols aswell since they all fill the exact same damn role. Manticore was awesome once and was a really unique gun, then SOE added damage dropoff to it and it became crap like the rest. VS needs a CQC pistol that is well suited for stalkers. Spiker is : Not a CQC pistol, Its not a midrange pistol. It is a pistol capable of killing immobile noobs and afk people but is arguably the worst choice of weapon for doing this!
When I'm a stalker cloaker I find tons of immobile people. But yes, both Stalker and Mag-scatter need a buff.
you're doing it wrong. no sidearm (except the revolvers) is designed to go against targets using primary weapons against you. also, did you seriously go against a MAX with a pistol? sorry but you deserved to be killed. no charge-up can help you there. not to mention the spiker sucks anyway, so why try to use it
Just plain delete the spiker, the VS won't notice because hardly anyone will touch it... After all according to someone we only use OP weapons, therefore we don't touch stuff that's blatantly useless, like the following Cereberus, Manticore, Beamer, Spiker, Phaseshift, ZoE. If most of those are the VS entire selection of pistols its 'cause the smarter players now have the common pool ones (Commissioner/Underboss), VS the common pool empire because our weapon development team get overjoyed by creating charging thingies that no one on the battlefield has time to do...
The charge up mechanic is not viable for most things they put it on. I think for the most part they are just being cheap and reusing the lancer scripting for everything.
If they were going to pick one unique VS mechanic I vote we change it to a lasher. 20 round mag, It'll be a cool side arm for non-stalkers.
It should fire a single projectile that does 4.000 damage on charge-up, cause in the time you de-cloaked, charged and fired, you could easily have made 6 headshots with comissionar... (anyone getting hit by such a useless piece of **** deserves to die!)
Spiker is : Not a CQC pistol, Its not a midrange pistol. It is a pistol capable of killing immobile noobs and afk people but is arguably the worst choice of weapon for doing this! I think you missed the point I was making at the end there. Also how many threads are there about scrapping charge ups? Why cant SOE just give up on this ******** idea? We never had charge up in PS1 (unless you count the delayed fire on Lancer). Our empire trait is mobility, how to translate this into weapon you ask? Balanced damage output, fastest reload, higher ADS movement, fastest weapon swap speed. Stop pushing this charge up crap on us!
Charge-ups only work in situations where you have no chance of getting hit (lancer squads). For a Pistol where random things happen on a usual basis it won't work.
The spiker is really UP. My main gripe with it is how akward the quick tap fire is due to the delay. When a charge fails to kill it gets really hard to kill with follow up shots. Honestly I think that VS weapons should be allowed to charge up even when stealthed. I mean they make a noise.... what more do you need? Please for the love of god allow us to charge while stealthed otherwise take away that stupid charge mechanic and give us something useful because if i wanted to shoot a gun just for fun I'd use the freaking FIREWORKS!