Spiker update

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nimbubu, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. Nimbubu

    The Spiker whilst charged when I have tested it on friends, takes off half health and removes shield after a charged shot, but while using this on and enemy they have time to kill you (even if you have the jump and use the charge mechanic).

    it still seems rather ****e for a pistol especially for using as stalker infiltrator, unless you only fight enemies who are shooting other people and not focused on yourself.

    The charge mechanic still feels too long to use and if you let it go even the slightly too short you shoot the one bullet, which is as much use as shooting a peanut at someone.
  2. Paqu

    Thats why you dont use the charge mode at all. Now the burst mode is almost as good as Desperado is so thats the reason to get it if you want a solid silenced pistol for the stalker.
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  3. Leftconsin

    Just go knife the guy.
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  4. Nimbubu

    Yeah the knife hit detection is so bad as it is now I have knived someone twice after shooting with comi and they still kill me
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  5. Leftconsin

    Yeah. You're right.
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  6. Meir33

    had they used the ideas i listed in the post linked below the spiker would have had a more user friendly charge mechanic that doesn't force you to chose between burst or charge shot but instead gives you a passive charge that rewards paced shots but still allows the player to spam shots when needed while keeping the fire on mouse button down controls

    here's the link:https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/vs-charge-mechanic-changes.204454/
  7. Koldorn

    I actually got a kill with this thing last night.
    There was a bunch of NC infantry on a hill; working their way into a base on amerish.
    Way to hot to poke my head up long; so I was lobbing charged blasts through one of the holes in the rail overlooking their entry point. Basically treating it as a really crappy; engineer portable lasher.

    It's effectively doing nothing, really I was waiting for the actual fight to start. Then it happened...


    My first spiker kill...
    Not understanding what happened; I immediately redeployed to try and process the incident. And, also to get away from the base because I had a feeling the guy I killed was going to be after me for that insult.
    Sadly not on my killboard anymore. :( But it's true! I really did kill a guy with the charged shot! Honest!
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  8. MonnyMoony

    I think the charge should be removed from the Spiker altogether. It should be made a 4 or 6 shot burst.

    A charged single shot would suit LMGs better (basically a charge up UBGL that uses ammo rather than separate grenades.)
  9. Nimbubu

    Yeah, I have gotten a few of 2-3 kills aswell when the enemy hasn't fired back on me, but as a main gun for stalker this isn't usually the case where as you shoot someone and they immediately turn to shoot you.
  10. eldarfalcongravtank

    yay! it only took two years for VS to finally get a solid burstfire sidearm!

    meanwhile, TR have one from the start that comes as default and is better than the Spiker #logicisinferior
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  11. MonnyMoony

    Pretty crazy - but I guess we should make the most of it - it probably won't be long before NC and TR start getting killed by it and call for moar nerfs.
  12. patrykK1028

    Almost is key word. Why it has to be worse desperado??
  13. Schizomatic

    There's a known bug with the Spiker now that'll cause you to get stuck in the charge-up animation, with no way to switch weapons, throw grenades, use class abilities or access terminals. You actually have to log out to clear the lock-up. It's caused by switching firing modes while the Spiker is charging up.

    "So what? No one changes modes during charge-up." you wisely state. Of course, if you're trying to quickly switch back to two-shot mode after loosing a charged shot, you can herpa-derp miscooridinate yourself and hit the mode-switch button before the charge fires and lock yourself out.
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  14. Nimbubu

    Herpa Derpa, lof made my day. :D
  15. \m/SLAYER\m/

    it just a pistol
  16. Zotamedu

  17. Nimbubu

    Pistol be your main weapon as stalker cloaker so that is no excuse for it being so ****e.
  18. Auzor

    Desperado vs Spiker:
    besides the difference in fire-rate (480 vs 500.. just fyi, the difference is smaller than rebel (261) and cerberus (300), and the extra fire mode

    the spiker has:
    2m extra range of max damage.
    Better hipfire accuracy
    (slightly) better ADS accuracy.
    (slightly) less bloom-per-shot.
    aaand: no bullet drop :D

    It's almost as if the devs tried to make it different from the desperado!

    Gotta say though: isn't the spiker now an upgrade over the beamer?

    More musings: where does this leave the emperor (167 dmg, 400 rpm), and the inquisitor (531 rpm, 143 dmg).
    IMO they could've made the spiker a 143 dmg burst pistol.

    Anyway, in one patch, the spiker got dual fire modes, and a RoF buff of plus 20%.
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  19. sindz

    You are right, as it stands right now the charge up mechanic is completely pointless seeing the charge takes too long and does too little damage (both hit and aoe).

    But people will try and tell you since teh gun has 2 firemodes it has to suck at both, otherwise it would be OP. And seeing how you cant switch firemodes on the fly (it takes ages), its just an inferior burst pistol with a useless gimmicky charge up. commis + knife is still faster than charging up a gun that lights up like a christmass tree.
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  20. Paqu

    Dont ask me. I guess the reasoning behind it is since it has another mode (which is useless) its primary mode cant be on par with the others. I was really hoping it to be somewhere in the middle of Repeater and Desperado which would have fit the VS other arsenal. Like 600 rpm and 143 damage. Both damage and firerate would be in between of the other two.

    But its still the best ES pistol what the VS has and pretty decent overall so Iam ok with it. Even when its just a worse Desperado..