Spear Phalanx Turret dps is too low

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Parsa, Nov 1, 2020.

  1. Parsa

    Its a defensive/stationary weapon but even assuming it had no overheat cooldown and its at its max damage range, its dps would still be inferior to a lightning. Also it has damage drop off so it can't be used offensively, but whats the point if all tanks have a flat damage curve they can just sit back and rain shells on your stationary base. One sundy outheals your dps at its min damage range, its that weak.
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  2. Clone117

    Honestly all the base turret variants could use a sizable buff. Especially considering the extremely terrible placement of most of em
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  3. OneShadowWarrior

    Especially when aircraft or vehicles dare to park or hover so close. The only time I can a vehicle is when they are dumb enough in a tank to turn the rear to me or vehicles are unmanned.
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  4. Peebuddy

    I want the short versions for AI and AA turrets the AV turret gets. They have virtually no range on the A.I. they just stick out of your base and easily gets destroyed, I'd like to hide them behind my walls and not exposed pissing into the wind.

    I'd also think any turret under attack should return fire no matter the distance, atm they're quite useless unless they're within spitting distance.
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  5. RabidIBM

    Yeah, as an attacker, they are just barely worth the bother of destroying. Otherwise they are noob traps. They could use a buff to be worth the bother of manning, and it might be worth it to add an outfit module that allows base defense turrets to have the same ai that the constructed ones get.
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  6. Fyrethorne

    AI range, gun elevation and depression are other factors needing work. In a world with magriders, there is no reason AV turrets should have such a weak vertical traverse.
  7. VelmaBlackburn

    I barely noticed that they are there most of the time, I pretty much only destroy them out of habit, less so because they are a threat.
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  8. Parsa

    If its damage was set 1200 and had no drop off it would be pretty balanced right? that would 2 shot a harrasser the same way liberator can with dalton.
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  9. JustGotSuspended

    Seems fun and balanced to me.

    Also the turrets should hover at max height at take little damage from their av counters. There should also be something that allows the turret user to turbo away as soon as they sense danger.
  10. Parsa

    That's the definition of a liberator.
  11. Anantidaephobia

    At least they should remove the heating mechanism. That would be a nice beginning.
  12. Parsa