Spawn Room Issues

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NC supporter, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. NC supporter

    I have no grudge over the constant vehicle spamming or max spamming when a facility has been camped by the enemy, but at least motivate the players to attack gloriously instead of just sitting inside the spawn room and peeking out every now and then. We don't need to plain out add SCU's or make the spawn camping situation end faster by making the timer for capping shorter. We should however try to congratulate players that actually make the effort to break the spawn camping situation. We could have a set area around the spawn room where kills would count 1/3rd exp of what they would be regularly. This would cause people who usually camp in the room to come out and fight openly due to wanting to get the entire benefit of one kill. We can also have this affect the attackers as well and get them to allow the enemy to fight a bit so fights are more interesting and kills are more challenging to get. Since as an attacker staring at a spawn room isn't that interesting and killing something that tried to kill you is interesting. This would also be pretty easy to code since all you need to do is use the pain field code construct and replace the original perimeter measurements of the pain field with the new perimeter measurements of the negation exp field. This is just a little rant since I kind of got tired of watching my teammates sitting inside doing nothing until the timer ran out.
  2. Nexus545

    The sad and unfortunate thing is that it's not a game issue but a people one. For some reason despite being able to respawn and get back into the fight really quickly people don't like taking the risk of dying. You see similar things in real life like in paintball for example.

    For whatever reason people have an aversion to dying, probably because it makes them feel like they are doing bad or losing. I've yet to see a game that has a solution to the problem. There has been so many times in video games (and in paintball) where teams could have pushed up and won the game but would rather hug the corner and try and shoot a few more enemies rather than risk getting shot.