South African Servers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dislexable, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. dislexable

    Nuf said.

    ...or just one somewhere, closer, for the African continent! I know there are enough of us playing to get another server, and thats before getting another server!
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  2. madoke

    we easily have over 1000 people who play planetside 2 on euro servers and that would like a south african server,we arnt living in the jungle here dispite what most people think
  3. dislexable

    Obviously we dont have 1000 players on the forums...
  4. tastyBerryPunch

    There are no Asian servers as well. So I imagine you guys will have to wait for some time.
  5. Lord Robert

    Yep, Asia will come before Africa, for sure. Its just a numbers game.
  6. madoke

    there are more than enough ppl to make the server a success believe me,a free to play game that actually has south african servers will draw more than enough and the servers are also useful for the rest of southern africa,but agreed asian servers will come first
  7. sheldor187

    Keep posting as I am sick of high ping.But keep that SA server idea hopefully it will be in Cape Town.
  8. madoke

    make this thread big enough and ppl will notice and join in,tell your friends to come and help too :)
  9. Thornton14

    Not necessary to make a server for both players who are from South Africa.
  10. Haterade

    Problems with low population servers? Open new ones! Especially for the tens or hundreds of African players.
  11. sheldor187

    Video proof that we need a server.
  12. Edgar Allan Bro

    They need to make an Antarctica server. This is driving me crazy because us here at McMurdo Research Station lag to badly playing on other servers that are not in our region!
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  13. QuantumMechanic

    This game desperately needs less servers than it currently has, not more.
  14. madoke

    you dont understand,africa does not have a server and whereas europe and america have multiple servers this thread is about us trying to get our own server so we dont have to deal with 200+ ping
  15. madoke

    how many ppl would there be that plays from Antarctica?
  16. ZeroFighter

    South Africa is world renown for being a capital of gaming where the vast majority of people own a computer capable of running modern games.

    I say they open 10 South African servers just to be safe.
  17. The King

    You're right, you guys obviously live in the desert.
    I agree, you guys can use a server.
  18. Iksniljiksul


    Today must be joke day.
  19. Edgar Allan Bro

    Yeah when I first saw this thread I ws shocked haha.
  20. Edgar Allan Bro

    Well there are about 18 including me that try to play Planetside 2 here at McMurdo Research Station. I know 2 other German guys that try an play who are at Neumayer Station.

    So that would be about 20, we still need a server for us here though!!!
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