So the devs are going around capping bases without any opposition? I've seen some bases flip sometime during the downtime I think.
There a few people saying they got into the servers. Shouldn't they have been kicked out when the servers were locked? They're getting free certs for being unopposed.
I tried this morning but the servers were down but I figured they would be up by now. Wow.... What is going on? Will we be able to play at all tonight?
They encountered some issues with the original six our maintenence so that was extended... After that got fixed they had an issue with people not being able to login so they are changing that now
It would be extreme ghostcaps, since I doubt a lot of people could enter. Haven't seen a base flip in a while though, was just for a couple of minutes when the servers weren't locked but the majority couldn't get in I guess.
I sincerely doubt that there are players getting free certs while the servers are down. It is far more likely that the SOE team is doing testing.
I got in for at least 30 minutes. Capped the tower at Hvar, took down 3 gens and the SCU, then went to cap the point. 4 of us (NC) ended up showing up, there was 1 Vanu buzzing about. We got it to about 80% capped when they took the servers down again to "remove external players". Waterson