Camo applies to all helmets now it looks like (even default ones), seems to cover way more of the body as well. Giraffes rejoice.
YEA - design department starts walking into the right direction. ALSO good work on the art of the NS Handguns. TO DOs: Overhaul the lackluster design of the previously released weapons - especially those which are just a copy - paste version of the basic model - especially on Vanuside all look almost identical and completely uninspiring in terms of visuals and sound. BTW. the announced REWORK of the LASHER is completely broken. I saw it working in a video made by Higby before.Would be nice if SOE released actually the right remoddeling which already worked on the beta test. AND Why did the Jackhammer already get a rework pre GU7 and NOW the CHAINGUN - The LASHER IS STILL CALLED LASHER AND STILL DOES NOT LASH AT ALL. Might be an idea to let the gun life up to its name.
Jackhammer didn't get a rework, it was just left untouched when they changed other shotguns. Though apparently that's how SOE buff an item now, they just nerf everything else around it.
Sorry dude but I have an NC char myself and bought the Jackhammer on release of the game - It got buffed on midrange and is almost point accurate at that range now - a very tight cone of bulletspray in which almost every bullet hit on up to 25 meters - THAT was NOT given before the patch rework of the shotguns. I play the game since Beta and I know how bad the Jackhammer actually was before the Shotgun patch - it was improved by a pretty good piece and I am happy about it - but maybe we just bring it back to the level PRE shotgun patch if you would like that ^^ Accrding to you, you would not realise it anyway right? Actually you could be happy about the actual changes - its a beast now and I really enjoy it on my NC char. CONTRARY: Still the Lasher needs a proper rework and should at least fulfil what the name already implies - that should be a nobrainer. Or maybe SOE should rename it to the "miraculous bubblegun". SOE could take a peak at PS1 and how the weapon worked there. BUT: I see your strategy here my friend - you are an enemy of balance as long as it reduces the advantage for your own faction which you enjoy right now. You refuse and deny the massive improvements which have already happened on your own factions gearto deny incoming or requested neccessary rework of enemy factions gear. ^^ Cheap but nice try my friend. Hope you stop trolling in this thread now ^^
Well I certainly do hope that wasn't aimed at me in any way even though you quoted me, otherwise I'd have to point out the fact that I don't even have the Jackhammer unlocked in the first place, so I'm clearly not using a good weapon and claiming its just OK to keep it good since I don't even have it!
Yeah. I like the new camo. If I have one problem it's that if they ever get around to fixing the welding mask helmet bug then I'm going to have a huge yellow helmet behind my Black welding mask (If I'm running indar dry shrub or scrub or whatever it is). Could you guys apply the camo to that yellow monstrocity of the welding mask helmet please if and when you fix the general bug with the masks?
you think vanu have it bad, even TR shotguns have the same model as all the starter guns and all the pay guns. tr has one model for pistol, one model for sniper rifle, and one model for everything else lol. our "everything else model" isn't all that cool either. it looks like we're holding a pringles can with a rail glued on it.
This is so true. The back of the FA1 Barrage is basically a TRAC-5. The Nighthawk and Uppercut are basically parts of a TRV, generic TR carbine, and a Carv (minus the logo on the back) mashed together. The Haymaker is basically a T1 Cycler with a bit of T5 AMC. With the new preview system, I intend on creating a comparison of TR gun parts and how generic we look.
Yeah overall this is a nice new feature. But I must admit that I am horribly bummed that my NC engineer's rotary helmet and HA's illuminated apex helmet lost their appeal. Now the facial part (that covers nose and mouth) is plain black while they used to utilize the camo that was applied to the character, made them look so good. Now they are just plain black and its hard to even see the separation between goggles and the mouth section because... well, its just black... Not a fan of this detail at all. Especially since those were my favorite helmets and I can imagine this applies to other similar helmets as well. Otherwise this update is pure neat.
DID I miss something? YES I KNOW that most standard weapons on ALL empires look the same. Thats why I talked about a graphical overhaul of ALL those weapons, also TR/NC. No reason for bytching here.