Something splashy for 1st "big" cert buy?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Amarsir, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Amarsir

    I've been playing almost a week now and spending certs on good utility stuff as I go: medpack, repair upgrades, nanomesh, sunderer deploy, NV scope, etc. But I'm also building up so that I should hit 250 certs probably tomorrow. And I'd like to spend it on something that feels splashy. I know I might get more efficient use from continuing those utility certs, but that's not sexy. I want something where I feel the difference and think "well I couldn't do that before".

    I am leaning toward a Nemesis lock-on launcher because it sure would feel good to nail those flyover jerks that my dumb missiles keep missing. But I'm not in love with the idea and could easily be swayed if something else sounded fun. Like a shotgun or a vehicle upgrade, perhaps. So any recommendations are appreciated.

    • I play VS.
    • I dabble in all roles but seem to be Heavy and Engineer most.
    • I have some station cash I'll probably spend sooner or later, but not today.
    Again, suggestions are appreciated. Just anything you bought that really struck you like "hey, new toy".
  2. Liquid23

    • Up x 3
  3. Van Dax

    the nemesis is easily the most versatile launcher, I recomend it to all newer players in my outfit.
    • Up x 2
  4. Aegie

    C4 for your LA.
  5. Peter Daniel

    Must have:

    Nemesis launcher for Heavy - 250 certs
    AV Mana turret for Engineer - 1000 certs
    • Up x 1
  6. Arkenbrien

    If you like wasting your certs, then yeah, flashlights are the way to go.
  7. Morpholine

    Nemesis is a solid acquisition at 250 certs, especially if you enjoy HA. It does everything your stock launcher does (well, the damage isn't quite the same), plus chases the flies away.

    It doesn't get more "splashy" for a VS HA than the Lasher, but that's a 1000 cert unlock. And it's not a weapon everyone loves right away.

    How much is the Solstice SF? The underbarrel 'nade launcher is another 100 certs on top of that.
  8. RHINO_Mk.II

    I would say C4, but it sounds as if you're hooked on Medkits already. Perhaps proximity mines? They're quite fun as well.
  9. Badname0192

    Upgrade your Flash composite armor! It's FLASHY!
  10. Unclematos7

    Save 600 certs for Solstice SF with MLGtube.:D
  11. Andy79


    the AV Mana Turret allows a whole new playstyle for your engineer (and helps your side a lot once you get the aiming right, might be good to adjust mouse DPI when manning it)

    the nemesis is a way cheaper way to score some points ( or scare away) aircraft than trying the burster max (the golden days are over, and you wont always have the ressources to pull one)
  12. Amarsir

    I was thinking about the AV turret, until I realized it was 1000 certs. I'm now thinking it will be my first SC buy whenever I feel compelled.

    "Hooked" isn't really the word... I bought a bunch of Medkits because the advice seems sound. Been carrying them around. Have yet to use a one. The thing is, I'm such a noob (haven't played any FPS at all for 5-10 years now) that the odds of me being injured-but-not-dead seem pretty low. Either I have the jump and don't get below shield damage, or they do and I'm dead.

    So C4, huh? Wasn't on my radar at all so I appreciate it.
  13. RHINO_Mk.II

    C4 is pretty legit. Problem is you need 2 to deal with most vehicles, the first one is only really effective against MAXes, groups of oblivious infantry, harassers without maxed composite armor, and the occasional wounded vehicle.
  14. Takara

    Lasher....If you play heavy a lot, go with the Lasher. First off, rocketlanchers are great and all but you won't exactly get your 'money' out of them for awhile. The Lasher is a little more situation then your standard LMG, but when you are defending a base the thing is simply magic! Get the high ground in a biolab, top of an amp station, or tech plant and fire down on your enemies. It does splash damage so it is really hard for them to hide behind small cover. It works particularly well in groups as well. Pretty good in tower fights too. On top of that they do really good damage against MAX units.

    I play a lot of Heavy/Engi myself and if you want a good engi gun...Solstice SF is another good buy...GREAT all around gun accurate, under barrel launcher. You can really work this gun and get some certs back for sure.
  15. Amarsir

    I played with a few guns in Virtual but not the Lasher, so I'll give it a shot.

    Solstice SF is 500c, and I did note it down myself for the interesting attachments. (If I can share it between Engineer and Light Assault mode that's even more compelling.) It has smoke as an option too, right?

    Thanks. Lots of ideas.
  16. Jakko

    There are hundreds of posts about how to make the 1337 super soldier but what it really comes down to is certing to maximize YOUR enjoyment of the game. When you figure that out certing becomes easy.
  17. Eugenitor

    Oh boy, another one of these threads. Goddamn it, I keep wanting to offer suggestions, but can't, because I run into a contradiction...

    1. It's obviously better to spend an hour working for 1000 SC instead of the 3+ hours it'd take you to earn 1000 certs. (And then you're free to use your certs on stuff like nanoweave, vehicle upgrades, and repair gun.)
    2. I don't want to recommend that anyone give SOE money after lattice + timers + insane redeploy crap + other restrictions.
  18. Mongychops

    Nemesis is a good buy, you'll definitely want to get it sooner rather than later.

    Serpent for engineer. Beware you will want to also get soft point ammo and advanced laser sight for it (250+100+100+100 = 550). Best VS CQC carbine since the reload speed buff, and arguably the best CQC carbine in the game.

    First rank in tank mines for engineer (100 certs). Gives you two tank mines. While they are a little lacklustre as mines since they are so easy to spot now, they let you bomb tanks and sunderers (place both and shoot them or sticky grenade). Also can be used to ambush MAXes by dropping and shooting them (though harder than C4).

    Anti Infantry Mines for Engi. if you find yourself defending an area, being able to plant a mine in your blind spot as an early warning is invaluable. Will save your life so many times (and net you cheap kills)

    Perhaps the Thanatos shotgun with extended mags (250+100 certs) it's the cheapest shotgun, and the one with the highest effective range.

    If the MAX is interesting you you could buy a cosmos on the opposite arm to your quasar for 250 certs (so you have cosmos+quasar anti infantry MAX), or possible get the second Comet (also 250 certs), for both anti vehicle and anti infantry (when used with ZOE).

    For the tanks, lightning HEAT (100 certs AFAIK) can be nice, though, it isn't a massive upgrade since the Viper got its velocity buff. Still, nice to play a tanky tank as VS.

    DO NOT BUY THE PPA, you need a lot more certs in a Mag or Harasser to make a PPA build work. I can recommend it on the Mag, but only much much later.
  19. DukeFlash

    I'd say spend the 250 certs on the anti-air launcher (Heavy assault)
    and buy the MANA AV turret (engineer) with the station cash.

    Also, if you haven't certed tank mines for your engie yet, you should.
    Only 100 certs and you can carry two mines, which is enough to kill any land vehicle (unless it has mine guard).
  20. Amarsir

    Heh. I have like 4500 in SC because I was playing DC Universe Online until their devs ticked me off earlier this year. So SOE already has the cash, it's just a matter of which game's devs get credit for earning it.

    I've seen a few. What I personally enjoy is having a variety of tools that give a new spin on how the game plays. So everyone here has given me new directions to look in, and that's great.