Somedays, this feels like my empire against the other empires.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ravenwolf Foxtrack, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    Anyone else feel this way some days? With TR on Connery lately, for my self, it does feel like this.

  2. Archiadus

    For myself it feels like my team is the left one (not always though) and the enemy team is the right one. The enemy still wins because they've got mass numbers, which makes it feel even worse to lose against them.
  3. Pondera

    If you look on the picture to the left, you can probably see the little shimmer of a VS infiltrator about ready to just unleash their Sirius SX12 and mow down an entire row of that formation.

    Don't think of it as "the enemy is overpopped". Think of it as "Oh yes....a target rich environment"
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  4. Kunavi

    You should see Woodman TR. Absolutely feels like that. Latest experience : 3 guys looking at me and an NC Heavy fighting 5M away, in plain sight. AFTER I'm dead they realize what was going on and in their panic 2 get TKed by each other as the NC finishes off the last one. I PMed the NC and we had a laugh at this.

    One more latest experience? Ok, here... 8-10 TR enter a Spawn Room after just capturing the facility, one TR randomly opens fire, the rest join in instantly resulting in mass TKing. I ran out, I just knew it would go like this the moment I saw and heard the 1st guy firing randomly.

    Believe it or not, I don't really care, I just thought I could share my bad moments to make you feel better, OP.
  5. iller

    It's not just as the TR who also get scattered and too distracted (usually by fighting all the NC nubs) there.

    You see it every time, especially at night. VS seem to know EXACTLY how many troops to dedicate to every single hex (infact I'm beginning to think they have scouts with some kind of map data hack given how often they do it). Seriously, They seem to stop every single rush-cap that's attempted with exactly the minimum force needed every time. And; YES, they always *attempted* that in the past too for as long as I've known them back when they were only 25% of the pop. But now.... they succeed every time too b/c they have overpop yet only need to be 45% of the hex's population to take or hold pretty much anything. All their weapons are still performing atleast 20% better than ours in datamining. And their cohesiveness (b/c they're serious pants outfits and we aren't) perform atleast twice that. And the "balance" incentives that Higby is pushing, do absolutely nothing to address the real issue of cert Incentives & TTK.

    I've simply decided to quit playing later at night so much. That's when too many vampires come out.
    The TR and NC KNOW what they need to frikking do to fix this late night situation. They just won't do it b/c neither one of them likes fighting the apparently overpowered VENU armies. They're much "happier" fighting eachother b/c it just feels like a more even playing field with far less annoying Try-Hards ruining every bit of fun... It's a real paradox.
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  6. IamDH

    Woodman TR here representing!

    Seriously tho, i think NC suffer from this more than TR