Some Vanguard Anti-Air footage!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spacelife, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Spacelife

    Please, enjoy the clip! Don't start a stupid balance discussion over this, it's just some nice anti air moments since the Ceres-Cobalt merge.
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  2. Lewk

    Can we start a music choice discussion?
  3. Spacelife

    Yes, we can! What would you like to see in Vanguard videos?
  4. Lewk

  5. NinjaKirby

    Beautiful, I haven't played much for the past few weeks but this is something I miss doing.

    Good days and bad days would come and go with Anti-Air via AP for me, and there's some beast shots in that vid where clearly you're having some great days. The Scythe you downed at 1:16 seems quite a spur-of-the-moment reaction shot, without spending tantalising seconds aligning the canon and guesstimating the enemy flight path - just as satisfying those shots - where you are sorta in the zone and on a positive roll :p

    Hard to put into words the the feels and the experiences, heh, great video though OP! A lovely reminder of what I'm missing out on.
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  6. Spacelife

    Heh, I like to think of it as having bad days when missing a lot, instead of good days when everything lines up :p

    I'm glad you enjoyed the video! Comments like this make it so rewarding to upload videos! Thanks for the compliments.
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  7. Verviedi

    Meanwhile, I've only killed exactly one Scythe with the Vanguard.
    I can't imagine how many hate tells you must have got.