Please, enjoy the clip! Don't start a stupid balance discussion over this, it's just some nice anti air moments since the Ceres-Cobalt merge.
Beautiful, I haven't played much for the past few weeks but this is something I miss doing. Good days and bad days would come and go with Anti-Air via AP for me, and there's some beast shots in that vid where clearly you're having some great days. The Scythe you downed at 1:16 seems quite a spur-of-the-moment reaction shot, without spending tantalising seconds aligning the canon and guesstimating the enemy flight path - just as satisfying those shots - where you are sorta in the zone and on a positive roll Hard to put into words the the feels and the experiences, heh, great video though OP! A lovely reminder of what I'm missing out on.
Heh, I like to think of it as having bad days when missing a lot, instead of good days when everything lines up I'm glad you enjoyed the video! Comments like this make it so rewarding to upload videos! Thanks for the compliments.
Meanwhile, I've only killed exactly one Scythe with the Vanguard. I can't imagine how many hate tells you must have got.