YAYAY! Me want some Jamshid and Dahaka fights..note..another special thing about Desolation is all three bases were tech plants. (Back then you could only pull the heavy tanks(vanguard/prowler/maggy) from tech plants..making Desolation a tank battle three-way heaven.) It's obvious the plan they want to do. The islands will be smaller than the main continents.(based on nexus picture..the idea of having one base on one is out..so probably the same size for each but different characteristic..(nexus is cold, desolation is desert, the third will be forest most likely. Based on the diagram, the idea of connecting the islands together so you must capture one to go the next is not the plan for now.(mainly since there aren't enough continents to do that) There was also a benefit like the main continents of you captured all the islands as well. This is all way in the future though. Ok, I miss PS1...