Some personal feedback on the new update

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ican'taim, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. ican'taim

    Note: I have not analyzed the mission system in depth, but from what everybody is saying and what I have ain't pretty.

    1. Can the mission system. Having dailies will cause players to sabotage each other for the sake of completing their mission, I've lost many battles in other online games because some doofus decided to complete their mission. Alerts provided many players with a common goal and motivation, which ties in into my next point...
    2. Bring back alerts, but disable them on Esamir and keep that continent always open. Perhaps a lattice disruption could happen every couple of hours that would change the faction warpgates?
    3. This is more of a bug report, but the Indar map still shows the stone-bridge connecting Ti Alloys to The Crown.
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  2. Johannes Kaiser

    1. Well, if they change the missions to stuff that comes up during normal gameplay, it wouldn't be that bad. Would teach new players to diversify a bit, show them new playstyles, whereas veterans would get a bit of variety. Can't be that hard to make missions like "revive 15 players" or "defend 1 base". I personally kinda like the data transport ones, but they don't fly with the normal flow and should become ultra-rare (so not many are on them at any given time).
    2. Absolutely!
    3. Hahaha.
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  3. FLHuk

    Logged in, watched people trying to negotiate peace to collect foliage or summit, farmed them for a bit, LAUGHED MY *** OFF, left and carried on playing the game the way I did before....

    Bloody odd way to get people to play PS2!
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  4. ican'taim

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  5. Cymoril

    I played around with it a bit myself last couple days. I don't care for it. This didn't make me want to resub this game. I will stay free to play until you come up with something "entertaining" or it goes down.

    On a side note- Would you please purchase Dark Age of Camelot. The idiots at BS can't even fix the code on it and the primary owner EA is running it into the ground.
    I like that Wrel is trying but the things he is doing to the game are of no interest to me.
  6. Zagareth

    My personal experience with the new patch:

    I log into the sanctuary (complete waste of time), then I redeploy (no warp terminal in sight. That's a major lack in content!) to the next open continent, that is NOT Hossin or Esamir. Then I look for a massive fight and start shooting toons :D

    I completely ignore any kind of grind in this game and the mission system is definitely one of it. I give a damn about certs or other resources. Planetsides core is: Get on, fight other factions all day long and that's it. Missions don't make sense, when they don't go along with that.
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  7. ican'taim

  8. Demigan

    Missions could be the way to go, but only if they work it into the fabric of the game.

    This is on the same level as HIVE's were. It's not really connected to the main game other than "it takes place in the same continent". The lore bits are also nice but shouldn't the missions and rewards for it encourage players to, you know, play the game?

    Missions and their rewards are the most efficient way to teach players what is expected of them, what to do, how to do it and what not to do. You do something right? Well here you go a bunch of rewards to encourage that behaviour again. You do something wrong? much less rewards for you!
    The rewards are ofcourse just an incentive, even if you "fail" by dying several times you can still feel rewarded because you completed that mission. That is a great way to make newer players stay in the game when they have to fight their way through a bunch of veterans to enjoy it.
    Then by the time the reward becomes less and less valuable to the player they have the experience and knowledge to know what they like. Done correctly what they like will be in line with the goal of the game.

    Two good examples when that reward system goes wrong and teaches you the opposite are KD and capturing the continent. KD encourages farming using the biggest guns against the weakest units, preferably even against newbs rather than veterans as newbs are easier to kill. Capturing the continent is best achieved through showing up with too much force so no real fight takes place. Zerging, griefing anyone who tries to resist, ghost-capping, avoiding combat are all the name of the game when going for the continent captures.

    We need some solid missions and basic reward systems that encourage playing the game. No farming, no avoiding fights. The rewards should encourage players to find a balanced fight and then try to win it no matter the cost to themselves, but still feel rewarded even if they fail at capturing the base. It's a difficult juggling situation, but an important one to get right.
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  9. SirPanfried

    At the moment, I hate it. Getting anything done in the campaign so far has proven frustrating. It's just getting farmed by people who are playing the game while you are not. Both missions and the campaign are often "fly here and get killed by a vehicle farming lobotomite" simulators assuming they aren't ones that require the efforts of other players. (a crapshoot in and of itself) Alert rewards died for this.
  10. Johannes Kaiser

    EXACTLY. This would have been such an easy way to teach beginners the ropes (seriously it makes it part of the quest to spawn the Sunderer before deploying it, can't tell me that is for the veterans who know you need the thing before using it!). The oddball missions (data-transport springs to mind) should be ultra-rare with high rewards, so you may get one once a week for a bit of a different experience in the mix. Other than those normal objectives and goals should be the go-to. Kill stuff, revive stuff, blow up vehicles, repair stuff, hold bases, defend bases, etc. Easy to work in, should have been a no-brainer.
    The mission system in itself is a really good idea, but I seriously question the choices for missions.
  11. Tom Jaffrey

    Sorry, aber ich habe auf Deutsch geschrieben ...
    Auch ich spiele Planetside 2 seit vielen Jahren und habe so viel erlebt, aber dieses Update ist für mich der absolute Horror. Die Missionen-Rechte auf Deutsch sind Grauenhaft und wenig Rechte. Schon bei der Samen-Sammelaktion kommt so viel Frust auf, dass ich schnell gehört habe zu spielen. Mal getroffen von den Leuten, die die Spieler dort abfarmen! Breitlich! Welcher neue Spieler soll das gut finden und Spaß daran haben ...

    Missionen und Herausforderungen - Krieg das der tiefere Sinn, das Story-Gameplay ist das nicht! Alleine schon die ganze Mitteilungen. Die sind so schnell gehört, dass permanent der Chat gestellt werden muss, um zu wissen Krieg da geschrieben steht. Wahrhaftig ist das nicht.

    Und die Bugs werden immer wieder ... siehe Samen-Mission, wo die Pflanzen abweichen von Felsen und Bäume erhalten werden ... grauenhaft .... Server-Performance grottig ... da bleibt man selbst oder andere stehen ... Sound -Bug grauenhaft ... man hört nichts mehr von der Umgebung ... und siehe da Spion kommt und farmt einen weg ...

    Vorschlag an die Entwickler ... spielt mal zur Primetime ohne Godmode und dann sagt mir wie gespielt ihr seid ... auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10 bekommen ihr minus 10 ... da gehört gehört ausgereifte Updates viel besser gewesen

    PS Wartung in der Primetime auch so ein Unding, wieso findet die nicht um Mitternacht MESZ oder 03.00 Uhr nachts statt.
  12. Campagne

    #3 is a mark of quality. :p
  13. Blam320

    The warp terminals are clearly marked with a circular symbol. You're just blind.

    And just because you don't care for the missions, personally, doesn't mean others don't enjoy them, or that they outright don't belong.
  14. Zagareth

    Time to reach terminals is way too long. There is no good reason, not to spawn directly next to one.

    You are entitled to like and enjoy whatever you want, as well as I am to dislike what I want. This is my experience with the patch and you might got some other experience.
    Mission, which are not helpful in the greater context of the conflict, don't make sense. If the devs make dynamic mission, adjusted to the flow of the battles around Auraxis, OK, then I'm in - but missions just to have them... it's dumb and distractive