Some of the new camos on the test server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pikachu, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    The test server has a bunch of new camos. Most of them boring almost identical to what we have already. I picked out the best ones I think. Dark Wave camo is really shiny. The yellow NC camos look surprisingly bad. :( I don't know why besides the lower one having ugly not suitable shininess to it. The autumn camo looks like a good idea but done wrong, nice colors but ugly pattern.
  2. Shadowyc

    Well, at least the Spider-Web camo looks nice.
  3. Rockit

    Will it ever end :eek:
  4. HadesR

    The Autumn Fright looks like someone was sick on a Prowler ..
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    sorry but NC specific camo usually makes you look like a pikachu (ohnoo hee din't)
    autumn fright looks like a candy wrapper
    industrial mix & shatter are horrible and only look okay on TR
    spiderweb once again looks worst on NC but okayish on TR/VS
    dark wave is in for blingbling only and not really "camo"
    the only one looking decent is air armor and that's it
  6. Prudentia

    lol the Autumn camo on the Magrider looks like underwear :eek:
  7. Shadowyc

    At least we can all agree that the NC needs a brighter yellow, right? I mean, can't go around getting ran over and all that.
  8. EagleGuardian

    Great, can't wait to see those NC banana tanks driving around.
  9. Pikachu


    As usually artistic camos looks best on TR. I like the dark wave camo.
  10. Brandmon

    Spiderweb is the only one of note.

    The rest look bad. Who thought that pushing the gloss slider to 110% was a good idea? It frankly ruins the majority of recent camo patterns.

    They need to be less shiny and more expressive of what they actually are. There is, after all, an aesthetic value to subtlety.
  11. NinjaTurtle

    At least you can look like Pikachu now
  12. Pikachu

    But the full yellow camo has ugly glossy to it. :(
  13. AuntLou42

    Cammo isn't as easy to make as you might think. There really isn't a ton of room to be unique. It won't be long before every submission will look like an existing one in some way. It's just the way it is.
  14. NinjaTurtle

    Hey at least you'll be unique. Can't see too many players buying that one to be honest, running round at night glowing all yellow and stuff seems a good way to die fast
  15. Pixelshader

    that vs heavy looks like a shiny beetle
  16. MajiinBuu

    I like most of them. NC is yucky, autumn is yucky.
    I actually like glossy armor, shiny good. That's why I love halftone, the only shiny on live servers.
  17. Pikachu

    I made my own autumn. :D
  18. mavix

    I'm going to cry if they don't have snow themed colors for dESAMIRember