Some of the last changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zombekas, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Zombekas

    So I noticed that nuking sunderers with AT mines has been more or less fixed, now one exploding mine won't detonate another which is right on top of it. Throwing a grenade down on them doesn't seem to work either.

    SOE, I understand you want to appeal to console players for the upcoming PS4 launch (No offense to your product! I think the PS4 is great but most of it's users are backward defected dim-witted dopey dumbo dum-dum dummie exceptionally feeble-minded goofy half-witted simple-minded nincompoops. I think most of us will agree). I know you don't want it to make it a big learning curve for those people, but please stop ruining the fun of your more advanced users who could utilize such tactics!

    I feel some changes that have been done in the past for the sake of making the game follow more common sense are unnecessary. They have reduced the skill ceiling, as well as reduced overall fun for more experienced players. Please stop dumbing it down so much! We enjoy this goofy exploitable stuff and enjoy the game as it is! :)
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  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    It's funny, cause Tank Mines are now immune to friendly explosive AOE, but still die to enemy explosive AOE. If only they could make armor out of the same stuff they make tank mines out of, I could spam explosives everywhere and not TK a single friendly.
  3. bPostal

    Have you tried simply replacing the tank mines in your utility pouch with C4?
  4. Ozade

    The problem (with cruise control caps on) - 'OH NOES TANKS MINES ARE EFFECTIVE BECAUSE PLAYERS DON'T DEFEND THEIR OWN SUNDIES AGAINST SAVVY PLAYERS' ... the fix - 'THERE WE GO THIS ANTI TANK EXPLOSIVE IS IMMUNE TO EXPLOSIVES SO THE STICKY NADE It SYNERGIZED WELL WITH IS USELESS IN THIS SITUATION AND NOW REQUIRES THE PERSON WHO DEPLOYED THEM TO MANUALLY SHOOT THE MINES INDIVIDUALLY'. Seems reasonable..... because it is far too difficult for the average player to actually sit in a sundy turret and spot up/shoot enemies while the rest of the team camps a point or spawn, strange considering the selection of dedicated anti infantry weapons the sundy can be equipped with.
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  5. Zombekas

    Even 2 C4 bricks can't kill a sunderer anymore, since ages ago. Sadly you can't equip 3x C4!

    It's not the point, tank mines is just an example to show the current trend of degradation :)
  6. DevDevBooday

    Thats why they did it, People cant destroy sundies with C4 in order to increase their survivability. But this would be negated if you can just through down tank mines and a nade. It takes you like 1 second longer to kill the sundy now so people actually have a chance to kill you before you screw them over. deal with it
  7. DeadliestMoon

    Wow, generalizing much? I guess if you were the representation of what PC players are like, then all PC players would be @$$holes. Its a good thing their not.
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  8. CrashB111

    If they are going to increase the survivability of Sunderers by removing one of their biggest counters (which they shouldn't have done by the way, now there is no reason to not use Blockade Armor. Mineguard is completely worthless now) then they need to also make Sunderers more difficult to pull/available from fewer locations.

    It is simple math, if you make it to where there is going to be a greater number of something surviving you also have to make sure that there is less of them being made in the first place to keep things balanced.
  9. Ozade

    Yes we are
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  10. Eyeklops


    But really, the changes to tank mines & C4 (against Sunderers) were for the better.
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  11. sustainedfire

    As an Engineer, I believe you can equip more then 2 C4, that is why he referenced C4 in the UTILITY POUCH- which is a suit slot for Engineer that adds the ability to carry more types of various explosives.
  12. RHINO_Mk.II

    You can, but it takes almost 10 seconds to deploy all three and detonate ... and now that most people are running blockade armor, it requires 4 bricks to kill, which is ~12 seconds of standing next to the sunderer unable to defend yourself. Not to mention if you get killed before you pull the trigger, all that C4 magically vanishes into thin air.
  13. bPostal

    Engineers with utility pouches can equip up to 4 c4. Does it take longer to throw down and blow up? Yeah. Can you put them on a flash, drive the flash into the bus and blow it up? Pretty sure the answer is yes (unless the c4 gets shot and you blow up 10m away)

    To me, it's less of a trend of degradation and more of a trend where my bus doesn't explode instantly, nearly as often. A good thing in my eyes.
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  14. NinjaTurtle

    Even if C4 worked just as well simply replacing them isnt the point

    SOE should be fixing their bugs. Though since there are bugs still in game since launch I wouldnt count your chickens.
  15. libbmaster

    Yes, having to shoot all your mines to kill the sundie is annoying.

    It would be nice if they received other buffs to make them more effective against vehicles in their intended role, like being able to apply camos and such to hide them.

    Other than that, I'm not too bummed.

    Also... how does this "dumb the game down"? If anything it adds tactica depth: mine guard is no longer a mandatory cert if you want your AMS to live more than three seconds, because it is now very possible to kill an engi before your world explodes.
  16. bPostal

    Which bug are you referring to? The change to tank mines was intentional and aimed at increasing the survivability of AMSes. This change is also directly related to the 'nerf' to squad beacon drop pods.
  17. sustainedfire

    The tank mines detonating just by placing them under a Sundy was a bit over the top. The placing them, and then tossing a grenade seemed just fine- it took a good amount of time to place your 3 mines and then toss the grenade leaving you defenseless, but then that was removed to where the mines do not detonate each other and easily.

    Prior to mines being nerfed in a multitude of ways I got down to approximately 300 kills left until Auraxium. Since the changes to mines, I think I have gotten only a handful of mine kills, maybe 5 total. They are too big, too easy for the enemy to spot, and mostly a waste of resources at this point. They should receive some measure of "buff". Maybe make them un-detonable by enemy explosives- only an Engineer can disarm them with their tool. At least that way they would serve to slow down a tank zerg at choke points.
  18. Astriania

    It makes no sense that mines don't set each other off. Throwing two mines and then a grenade was no faster than throwing 2 C4, and in my opinion was a fair counter (unlike the drop pod shenanigans for which I totally supported the nerf).