Some Missed Facts About ZOE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by moooosa, May 27, 2013.

  1. moooosa

    So I've noticed a lot of people drastically oversimplifying the effects of ZOE with statements like "the speed bonus only makes me as fast as a HA with shield up," which is very wrong. I just wanted to point out a couple of things.

    I'm making no statements here about what is or isn't "balanced." These are simple facts for your information.

    -ZOE MAX runs faster than non-ZOE MAXes but a little slower than other infantry types (slightly faster than HA with shield)
    -ZOE MAX walks (forwards and backwards) and strafes faster than all other infantry types.
    -There is almost no difference between run speed and walk speed for ZOE MAX

    Conclusions: While ZOE MAX won't get from point A to point B faster than other infantry types (though faster than other MAXes of course), the most significant thing to note is that it's able to move significantly faster than any other infantry type while aiming and shooting. ZOE MAX doesn't need to run and can keep its guns raised and active at all times, eliminating the drawbacks of needing to stop and raise your weapon again after running. It's also less effected by speed reduction when looking around while moving from point A to point B (normal infantry move dramatically slower when not running forwards).

    ZOE MAXes have been observed to kill infantry in about one less shot with their damage buff. While it's fair to say that this doesn't make a dramatic difference in close range encounters, this buff actually makes more of a difference at longer ranges. The reason for this being that if you're at a range where only one in four of your shots are hitting, that "one shot less" becomes "four shots less," decreasing TTK significantly. Vanu MAX is significantly more effective than other MAXes at range, and the ZOE damage buff compliments this, making it even more effective.

    I hope you found this informative.
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  2. Xasapis

    "-There is almost no difference between run speed and walk speed for ZOE MAX"

    This bit is wrong. Or oversimplified. I wonder if people are aware that we have five movement speeds and not two. Walking in combat, running in combat, walking out of combat, running out of combat and ADS movement (which is weapon dependent).
  3. KAHR-Alpha

    Actual measurements:
  4. Zurakci

    ZOE is pretty much ment to be annoying for the enemy, which is probably the reason for being a double edged sword here. You get to be faster and do slightly more damage.. but you will take more damage with it on.
    To be honest.. I would love having a shield or lockdown.. they are pretty OP at the right use with those... but all the other factions can do is be annoyed my us... its sad..
  5. RHINO_Mk.II

    Apparently your Ctrl button is broken.
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  6. Xasapis

    Maybe it is, what is it supposed to do?
  7. Shockwave44

    You should thank your lucky stars there isn't.
  8. Jachim

    Please, can I trade ZOE for lockdown? Pretty please? Like right now?
  9. Xasapis

    Sure, can we swap between vortex and fractures though?
  10. moooosa

    Could you elaborate? I'm not sure that makes any sense.

    I don't think those are quite accurate. Infantry are clearly running faster than ZOE MAX.
  11. KAHR-Alpha

    I'm fairly sure infantry and ZOE run at the same speed, it was already obvious the first time I did those measurements, and it was confirmed by the second bacth.
  12. Xasapis

    I'll start with the easy ones and move to the harder to notice:
    • ADS speed, the speed you move when you use your weapon while in aim mode. It varies depending on the weapon, but it's the slowest moving speed currently in the game. Maxes don't have this, as they can't ADS.
    • Running speed, when in and out of combat. You will notice that if you fire a shot and then hit the run key and keep on running that after a point your sprint speed increases.
    • Walking speed, same as above. The difference is hardly noticeable in infantry or even a non zoe max, it is however noticeable in a zoe max.
  13. The King

    At long range, the ZOE MAX is very easy to hit and kill...
    Especially for the NC.

    At close range, the NC MAX tears em apart.
    Though, it seems like the VS MAX would be on par or kill the TR MAX, if the TR MAX knows how to aim then you're dead with it on.
    Fracture MAX will own em, unless the user doesn't know how to aim well...

    But at far range... pretty much all MAXes suck...
  14. moooosa

    Well of course you can't shoot while running, so if you take a shot that involves stopping and starting running again. As far as shooting slowing your walking speed, I wouldn't say any difference is noticeable (if it exists at all, but I won't say it doesn't). Either way, I don't think that invalidates any statement I've made.
  15. TintaBux

    Not anymore it does not. VS max is stronger now. Data and statistics is all there to show it.
  16. The King

    Not true..
    Try it out yourself.
  17. GuraKKa

    Yeap, Just swtich to VS.
    But you won't have that pin-point accuracy, bullet spamming MAX weapon.
    You can't have the best of all worlds.
  18. RHINO_Mk.II


    And change your movespeed.
  19. Spookydodger

    This is true, but there is no real VS MAX weapon that is both A) highly damaging and B) highly accurate versus infantry at ranges over 30 meters.

    I did a test in the VR training room, and even while crouched and stationary, I only seemed to hit like 1 in 5 or 6 shots. It is true that it does make a difference, but at that point an HA with a 4x zoom scope and any weapon is probably doing much more damage.

    When it comes to long-range fire, the Vortex takes too many hits to kill, the Blueshift (the supposedly most accurate weapon) only seemed slightly more accurate than the close-in AI spam weapon (The Nebula).

    For my money, the best AI weapon at ranges beyond 30 meters was the Comet, because at least if you hit with one of them, you took an infantry down to 25% life with ZOE enabled, as opposed to about 40% without it. That's life, after shields go down. So a single Comet took down the shields and took about 1/2 the health pool normally, and about 75% with ZOE. Much more of a wakeup call than a couple of bullets.
  20. Xasapis

    I'm using C as a crouch toggle, holding the crouch key is annoying.

    Move speed default key is shift. You can also turn it into a toggle key in general options.